Monday, July 9, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Monday Nitro (July.Week 2)

WCW Monday Nitro
July, Week 2, Year 1
Atlantic City, NJ

For the past several weeks on Nitro, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and Sting '98 have been exchanging attacks against each other. Since Sting and “The Nature Boy” have a a long history of friendship and respect, efforts were made to restore the peace by pairing them up as a tag team last week. However, this would backfire as both legends ended up clashing in that match, trying to one-up each other instead of working together.

Match #1
Normal Match
Diamond Dallas Page '98 vs Arn Anderson
Winner by pinfall: Arn Anderson (DDT)(*** ½ Great)

Last week on Nitro, Stunning Steve Austin tried walking out of his match, attempting to take another shortcut to preserve his strength for more important matches. Fit Finlay rushed to ringside to bring him back into the ring so the match could be finished. Angry that Finlay stuck his nose where it didn't belong, Austin has challenged Finlay to a match tonight.

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Fit Finlay vs Stunning Steve Austin
Mid-Match: Finlay begins to mount insurmountable momentum that leads Austin to bail to the outside and start walking to the back, abandoning the match. Finlay runs out to grab Austin who suddenly turns around and fakes out Finlay with a right hand.
Winner by pinfall: Stunning Steve Austin (Stun Gun)(*** ½ Great)

Middle Card Promo
The WCW Television Champion Disco Inferno comes out and proclaims that he is a fighting champion that will take on anyone willing to take him long as they qualify in a #1 contender's match.

Match #3
#1 Contender's Match for the WCW World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)(w/Ted DiBiase) vs Sting '99 & “The Total Package” Lex Luger (w/Goldberg '98)
Winners and #1 contenders: Sting '99 & Lex Luger (Torture Rack from Luger on Hall)

Last week on Nitro, Ricky Steamboat '94, delivered payback against Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 with an attack of his own, angered by The Hitman's actions from two weeks ago when Bret Hart attacked “The Dragon” before their match. Tonight, “The Hitman” must attempt to focus on Vader instead of his heated rival, as Vader is looking to destroy every WCW competitor in his path.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 vs Vader
Winner by pinfall: Vader (Vadersault)(**** ½ Instant Classic)(Squash)
Post-Match: As Vader leaves, Bret stands up and takes a second to compose himself and digest what has just taken place. This is when Ricky Steamboat comes out and gets face-to-face with Bret.

Show Closer Promo
A video package is shown highlighting all of the destruction that “The Beast From The East” Bam Bam Bigelow has caused in WCW since his return in WWE 2K15. Bigelow says that there will be no stop to his destruction as is evidenced by the WCW World Tag Team Championship around his waist. If the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair thinks that he won't be going after that championship just because he's the WCW World Tag Team Champion then “The Nature Boy” has another thing coming.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Ric Flair '91 vs Sting '98
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '91 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Flair stomps away on Sting.


Ric Flair '91 continued to attack Sting '98 after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him!

Ricky Steamboat '94 entered the ring with Bret “Hitman” Hart '98, leading to a tense staredown between the two rivals.

Stunning Steve Austin feigned an attempt to walkout of his match against his rival, taking advantage of his opponent's frustration. Fit Finlay chased after him only to be struck with an unexpected sucker punch, playing right into his opponent's hands.


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