Thursday, August 9, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Monday Nitro (August.Week 3)

WCW Monday Nitro
August, Week 3, Year 1
Youngstown, OH

Last week on Nitro, Scott Hall picked up an aggressive win against Disco Inferno. After the match, Hall would assault Disco endlessly with a steel chair.

Show Opener Promo
The WCW Hardcore Champion Goldberg comes out to the ring and congratulates Vader on his victory last week over Fit Finlay and is salivating over the opportunity to take down Vader with a spear and a jackhammer. As far as tonight goes, Goldberg is scheduled to take one of the men responsible for ending his streak, Scott Hall. A man who is proud not to have honor. The kind of man that would assault you after a match endlessly with a steel chair. Goldberg is just wondering one thing. What is Scott Hall going to do when he tries all that against Goldberg and fails?

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Vader vs Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '94
Pre-Match: The new WCW United States Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart '98 comes out to watch the match from ringside.
Mid-Match: Steamboat Irish whips Vader into the corner when Bret Hart gets his attention from ringside. Steamboat exits the ring to get in Hart's face which allows Vader to attack Ricky from behind to regain the upper hand in the match. Bret, utterly pleased with himself, applauds this development and leaves the ringside area.
Winner by pinfall: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '94 (Diving Cross Body)(**** Amazing)

Last week on Nitro, Stunning Steve Austin continued to attack Fit Finlay after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him.

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Stunning” Steve Austin vs Dean Malenko
Pre-Match: Austin makes his entrance when he is attacked on the ramp by Fit Finlay.
Winner: “Stunning” Steve Austin (*** ½ Great)

Middle Card Promo
Big Sexy” Kevin Nash comes out to the ring and talks about how he's not happy about his position in the WCW rankings and warns the WCW locker room to watch their backs because Nash is looking to defeat, maim and injure anyone who is currently ranked above him. He's out to put them all on the shelf and remind the world that WCW belongs to the n...W...o.

Match #3
Normal Match
Diamond Dallas Page '98 vs Arn Anderson
Winner by pinfall: Arn Anderson (Gourdbuster)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Anderson decides against leaving to stomp away at DDP.

Middle Card Promo
The WCW Cruiserweight Champion Brian Pillman comes out to the ring to talk about how he wants to continue to welcome non-cruiserweights to face him in matches. The more big guys that he beats, the better champion he'll be. He talks about how it's common knowledge that he'd a better champion than guys like Ric Flair, DDP, Disco Inferno and Goldberg. Before anyone knows it, Pillman will be ranked even higher than the WCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Match #4
Normal Match
Sting '98 vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Winner by pinfall: Bam Bam Bigelow (Bam Bamsault)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Bam Bam decides against leaving to stomp away at Sting.

Show Closer Promo
The WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair '91 comes out to the ring and talks about his championship match against Lex Luger next week on Nitro. Flair says that after next week is done with, all that Lex Luger will be is not a WCW World Heavyweight Champion but an impressive stat on the resume of “Slick Ric” as one of the many top players that he's defeated as the champion. Flair says that Luger has been running around like he believes that he's actually got a shot at winning the World Heavyweight Championship next week. Flair wants to look Luger in the eye and instill in him the doubt that he needs to have when he's up against “The Nature Boy”. Luger comes out and a promo battle ensues that “The Total Package” wins.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Scott Hall vs Goldberg '98
Pre-Match: Hall is attacked during his entrance by Disco Inferno.
Winner by pinfall: Goldberg '98 (Jackhammer)


Disco Inferno attacked Scott Hall from behind, looking to settle the score after his rival's actions from last week!

Fit Finlay delivered payback against Stunning Steve Austin with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Ricky Steamboat '94's match went awry after Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 attempted to distract him during the match, trying to get into his rival's head.


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