Tuesday, July 31, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (August.Week 1)

WWE Live '91
August, Week 1, Year 1
New York, NY

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Jake “The Snake” Roberts '91 vs Papa Shango
Pre-Match: Shango awaits Roberts who makes it down to the ring when he is attacked by “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and rammed into the blue steel steps before the official ejects Dusty to the back.
Winner by pinfall: Papa Shango (Shoulder Breaker)(*** ½ Great)

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is interviewed and says that Andre The Giant is the angriest that Bobby's ever seen him after Sgt. Slaughter took Andre's Intercontinental Championship and attacked him after the match. Andre is furious and he wants to take it out on someone really bad. And since Sgt. Slaughter and Col. Mustafa haven't arrived to the arena yet, Andre is calling out the highest ranked WWE Superstar on the WWE roster outside of the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels and the #1 contender Bret Hart. That honor falls to a Superstar that holds a victory over the then-champion Bret Hart, Tatanka! Can Tatanka survive an angry giant?

Match #2
Normal Match
Tatanka vs Andre The Giant (w/Bobby Heenan)
Winner by pinfall: Andre The Giant (Elbow Drop)

Match #3
WWE Championship '84
Normal Match
Bob Backlund (c) vs Haku (w/Bobby Heenan)
Winner by submission and NEW WWE Champion '84: Haku (Tongan Death Grip)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Haku decides against leaving to stomp away at Backlund.

Middle Card Promo
Footage is shown of Andre The Giant falling victim to Sgt. Slaughter's cobra clutch which resulted in Slaughter becoming the new WWE Intercontinental Champion. After the match, Slaughter displayed his vicious side that hadn't been since his days in the Triangle of Terror when he viciously attacked Andre after the match. Since then it has been revealed that Slaughter has in fact reunited with his Triangle of Terror cohort Col. Mustafa, a man that has been lobbying for Slaughter to rejoin his faction ever since the WWE 2K15 era.

Slaughter wants to make it known that he is not anti-American. He is actually as patriotic as ever. It's just that sometimes you need to shake hands with powerful people who are perceived as evil in order to protect the greater good. In this case, the WWE Intercontinental Championship was in the evil clutches of the French Andre The Giant and an unstoppable force or immovable object of Andre's magnitude had to be taken care of and the WWE Intercontinental Championship had to come back home to America and Slaughter feels that he achieved that.

The WWE Universe should be praising him, not booing him. He promises to carry his very first Intercontinental Championship with honor and integrity, in the name of the USA and with assistance of people like the honorable Col. Mustafa!

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Shawn Michaels '97 vs The Honky Tonk Man
Pre-Match: Honky Tonk Man awaits Michaels who makes it down to the ring when he is attacked by Bret Hart and tossed into the ring.
Winner by pinfall: Shawn Michaels '97 (Diving Elbow Drop)(*** ½ Great)

Show Closer Promo
Sting '91 calls out the WCW World Heavyweight Champion “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '91 after his promo battle defeat this past weekend on Saturday Night's Main Event. Sting is here to take care of Ric Flair for the WWE Universe.

Match #5
Rivalry Match
Main Event
Normal Match
Macho Man” Randy Savage vs Razor Ramon
Winner by pinfall: Razor Ramon (O'Connor Roll)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: The Undertaker '91's music hits as Savage faces the entrance way and readies himself for a fight. Undertaker comes in from behind and lays out Savage in a sneak attack.


Randy Savage was attacked from behind after his match. Undertaker had to resort to using a distraction with his entrance music, afraid of facing his rival head-on.

Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 delivered payback against WWE Champion Shawn Michaels '97 with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

The Honky Tonk Man has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

Dusty Rhodes delivered payback against Jake Roberts with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Col. Mustafa has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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