Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (September.Week 2)

WCW Saturday Night
September, Week 2, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

Last week on WCW Saturday Night, Ric Flair '88 attacked Tatsumi Fujinami from behind, afraid of facing his rival head-on until their WCW World Heavyweight Championship match. Tonight, “The Dragon” Tatsumi Fujinami has called out Flair to a match tonight and challenges “The Nature Boy” to face him without any dirty tricks because it appears that Flair himself does not believe that he can defeat “The Dragon” without resorting to them.

Match #1
Normal Match
Dustin Rhodes vs The Great Muta
Winner by pinfall: Dustin Rhodes (Running Bulldog)

Match #2
Normal Match
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91 vs Jimmy “Jam” Garvin
Winner by pinfall: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91 (Diving Brain Chop)

Last week on WCW Saturday Night, Michael “P.S.” Hayes continued to take the fight to Larry Zbyszko, winning the WWE Universe over with his tenacity and courage. Tonight, Hayes and Zbyszko, two tag team legends from two hall of fame tag teams, will team up to take on one of the best tag teams in WCW, The Hollywood Blonds. Will “The Freebird” and “The Living Legend” unite to form a WCW superteam? Or will is their implosion inevitable?

Match #3
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
The Hollywood Blonds (“Stunning” Steve Austin & “Flyin'” Brian Pillman) vs Michael “P.S.” Hayes & Larry Zbyszko
Pre-Match: Hayes goes to start the match when Zbyszko tags himself in much to Hayes' annoyance.
Mid-Match: Hayes tags himself in but is immediately laid out by a vicious right hand by Zbyszko who walks off and abandons the match, leaving Hayes to fend for himself against The Hollywood Blonds.
Winners: Michael “P.S.” Hayes & Larry Zbyszko (Running Bulldog from Hayes on Pillman)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Hayes wins the match all by himself against all odds. Zbyszko appears on the stage to take in the situation as Hayes beckons him to come to the ring and fight him.

Match #4
Normal Match
Robert Gibson vs Cactus Jack '92
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack '92 (Stump Puller Piledriver)(*** ½ Great)

Show Closer Promo
The NEW WCW United States Champion Sting '88 comes out to celebrate his championship victory last week over Diamond Dallas Page '92.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Tatsumi Fujinami vs Ric Flair '88
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '88 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Flair takes in his victory before deciding to stomp away at Fujinami as the official tries to back Flair off of him.

Ric Flair '88 continued to attack Tatsumi Fujinami after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him!

The animosity between rivals reaches a boiling point, after Larry Zbyszko attacked Michael “P.S.” Hayes during their tag team match and left his partner alone in the ring to finish the match!


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