Monday, August 6, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (August.Week 2)

August, Week 2, Year 1
Gainesville, GA

Show Opener Promo
Latino Heat” Eddie Guerrero comes out to the ring to greet the WWE Universe in Gainesville, Georgia and can't help himself but to challenge their hometown hero to a dream match tonight. Eddie challenges WWE main roster Superstar “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles.

Trish Stratus has won the WWE Women's Championship '98-'10 last week on RAW IS WAR! Her merit as champion will be tested, as Jacqueline looks to get her title rematch soon. Tonight, Trish will face off against a WWE Superstar that made her return last week on SmackDown, Luna Vachon!

Highlights are shown of Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 defeating Triple H '98 last week with the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin would offer a handshake only to have his hand smacked away by the frustrated Triple H. This rivalry continues to build as the Superstars continue to best each other. Tonight, Triple H has gone on about how greater of a Superstar he is to Austin and has challenged him to a rematch, right here and right now, vowing to put away “The Rattlesnake”.

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 vs Triple H '98
Pre-Match: Austin awaits Triple H who comes out limping and holding his arm as if he were injured. He looks to the back as “The Japanese Buzzsaw” comes out to the ring to face off against 'The Rattlesnake”.
Winner by pinfall: Tajiri! (Brainbuster)(**** Amazing)

The Japanese Buzzsaw” has just picked up the biggest victory of his life with a monumental upset over Stone Cold Steve Austin. It appears as though Triple H has gotten inside of the head of Tajiri by teaching “The Japenese Buzzsaw” all about Austin's neck injuries. Although Austin would kick out of the Buzzsaw Kick, the Brainbuster proved to be too much. Has Tajiri re-aggrivated Austin's neck injuries? Is Triple H really injured from his defeat last week to “The Rattlesnake”? Or did he prove to be the “Cerebral Assassin” that he is?

A video package is shown featuring the un-hardcore Kurt Angle '01 and his hardcore bouts involving the WWE Hardcore Championship. Among these moments are those where he defeated Cactus Jack to win the Hardcore Championship and when he defeated Cactus Jack again to retain it. Angle promised himself and the Hardcore title that he would move on to bigger and better things. His next challenge would be another face of Foley and the only one that held the WWE Championship. The reigning World Tag Team Champion, Mankind who defeated Angle for the Hardcore Championship two weeks ago. Tonight, Angle has demanded his rematch.

Match #2
Hardcore Championship
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Mankind (c) vs Kurt Angle '01
Winner by pinfall on the outside and NEW Hardcore Champion: Kurt Angle '01 (Angle Slam)

Booker T and Albert are two Superstars that have been finding themselves in each other's way. They will be teaming up for tag team action tonight in an attempt to fix their situation before it implodes and they come to blows.

Match #3
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
Booker T & Albert vs The Corporation (Big Show '00 & Mr. McMahon '01)
Pre-Match: Booker and Albert have trouble deciding which one of them is going to start the match.
Winners: Booker T & Albert (Scissors Kick from Booker on Big Show)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Booker celebrates as Albert comes into the ring angry at Booker for “hogging the glory”. Booker shoves him as Albert storms off.

Middle Card Promo
WCW's Sting '99 comes out to the ring for a shocking appearance. He talks about all of the years that he has been in this business and how he's loved every minute that he has made all of the WWE Universe happy and he is happy to be here in the WWE. Sting reveals that he is here to make “THE” challenge. Sting is here to challenge for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Sting is here to issue a challenge, THE challenge, to The Undertaker '00. Will “The American Bad Ass” accept? Will this dream match become a reality?

Match #4
Normal Match
AJ Styles vs Eddie Guerrero
Winner by pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (Frog Splash)

Show Closer Promo
The #1 Contender for the WWE Championship, The Rock '01 comes out to the ring and talks about winning the WWE Championship from Chris Jericho '00 earlier this year in May before ultimately losing it one month later to Shawn Michaels who's held on to it since then. Rock calls out the WWE Champion “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels '98 and tells HBK that now that The Rock is the #1 contender, it is only a matter of time before The Rock gets back what is his. Michaels talks about how the two haven't clashed much in their careers and would actually love nothing more that to have HBK/Rock II so that “The Heartbreak Kid” can once again demonstrate how much “The Great One” is not on HBK's level. This promo battle of egos ends with The Rock '01 on top.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Trish Stratus vs Luna Vachon
Pre-Match: Trish makes his entrance and is attacked from behind by Jacqueline as a brawl breaks out. The brawl moves into the ring where the official rings the bell as a way to use a match between these two as a conduit to prevent utter chaos.
Trish Stratus vs Jacqueline
Winner by pinfall: Trish Stratus (Bridging O'Connor Roll)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: After Trish gets the flash pinfall, Jacqueline argues with the official as Trish celebrates. Jacqueline is left in the ring seething and arguing with the official over this surprise development.


Jacqueline attacked Trish Stratus before their match, determined to hurt her opponent!

Booker T and Albert could not set aside their rivalry to win their tag match.

Kurt Angle '01 has won the Hardcore Championship!

Triple H '98 injury has worsened, but continues to compete at a severe disadvantage and risk of further damage.


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