Saturday, August 18, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (September.Week 1)

WWE SmackDown '00
September, Week 1, Year 1
Oklahoma City, OK

Tonight's main event on SmackDown will determine who will be the #1 contenders for the World Tag Team Championship currently held by The Rock 'N' Sock Connection. It will be D-Generation X taking on Stone Cold Steve Austin & Dude Love!

Last week on SmackDown, Triple H '01 came out and addressed his “loss” to Eddie Guerrero two weeks ago on SmackDown where Triple H clearly had his hand on the ropes. Triple H has challenged Eddie to a rematch tonight on SmackDown.


Triple H '01 has made a complete recovery from his injuries and, is ready to compete at full strength again!

The Chairman and leader of The Corporation, Mr. McMahon '01, has decided that tonight on SmackDown it's time to make an unfortunate example out of someone who has declined membership to The Corporation. An old rival of Stone Cold Steve Austin who himself is an old rival from Mr. McMahon.

Match #1
No Disqualification Match
Savio Vega vs Mr. McMahon '01 (w/Big Show '00 & Big Boss Man '99)
Winner by submission: Savio Vega (Cobra Clutch)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Savio decides against leaving to stomp away at the boss. An immensely bold move by the Boricua. Surely, a vendetta has been born coming out of this.

Match #2
Normal Match
Lita vs Luna Vachon
Winner by pinfall: Lita (Diving Moonsault)

Middle Card Promo
The Undertaker '98 comes out to the ring and says that there is a virus inside of the WWE that must be erased and that virus is from WCW. Undertaker calls out Sting '99 and calls him a mere mortal. Sting calls him the greatest of all time and says that he would be more than glad to accept his challenge. Man to man, Icon vs Phenom! Sting wins the promo battle that ends in a stare down.

Match #3
Normal Match
Rikishi vs Jamie Noble
Winner by submission: Jamie Noble (Dragon Sleeper)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Noble decides against leaving to stomp away at Rikishi and make a statement that he is not to be underestimated.

Match #4
Normal Match
The Godfather vs Owen Hart
Winner by pinfall: Owen Hart (Small Package)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Owen decides against leaving to attack and stomp away at Godfather.

Match #5
Normal Match
Eddie Guerrero vs Triple H '01
Winner by pinfall: Triple H '01 (Spinebuster)

Show Closer Promo
Hardcore Champion Kurt Angle '01 comes out and talks about his campaign to reinvent the Hardcore Championship by making it less about foreign objects and brutality and more about elite ability. Angle says that he is out here to name his next challenge and everyone in the back is glued to the monitors waiting with baited breath to see who it will be. Angle adds that he doesn't like the way this Superstar walks, talks, dresses and carries himself. In Angle's opinion, it's not becoming of a champion. An Intercontinental Champion.

Next up for Angle is none other than the WWE Intercontinental Champion The Undertaker '00. Angle calls out “The American Bad Ass” as they engage in a promo battle that includes Undertaker comparing himself to a fruit smoothie and Angle to boring milk and Angle revealing that after all these years he is lactose intolerant. The intensity starts to reach a boiling point when Angle finally ends the segment by stating how he can't wait to step into the ring with The Undertaker to teach him the wrestling lesson of his career.

Match #6
Main Event
#1 Contender's Match for the World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 & Dude Love vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels '98 & Triple H '98)
Winners and #1 Contenders: D-Generation X (Pedigree from Triple H on Austin)


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