Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE 205 Live (Feb.W3.17)

WWE 205 Live
February.Week 3.2017
Milwaukee, WI

Last week on 205 Live: COWARDLY ATTACK: Mustafa Ali was attacked from behind after his match. Tony Nese had to resort to using a distraction with his entrance music, afraid of facing his rival head-on.

Tonight on 205 Live: Tony Nese looks to avenge his loss to Mustafa Ali from last month as he will finally receive the rematch against Mustafa Ali that he's been looking for. Can “The Premiere Athlete” even the score against Mustafa Ali? Or will Ali send Nese packing once again?

Last month on 205 Live: Ariya Daivari defeated Tajiri and went on to attack Tajiri after the match. The following week on 205 Live, “The Japanese Buzzsaw” would defeat Daivari in the rematch. Tonight, Tajiri and Daivari look to finally settle the score!

Match #1
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Tajiri vs Ariya Daivari
Winner: Ariya Daivari
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Hammerlock Lariat
Post-Match: Daivari decides against leaving to stomp away at Tajiri, wanting to make a statement to the rest of the cruiserweight division.
Rating: *** Very Good

Last week on 205 Live: Gran Metalik defeated Drew Gulak in their rematch to even up the score.

Up next: “The King of the Ropes” Gran Metalik will take on Drew Gulak in the rubber match! Who will move on up the cruiserweight division rankings?

Match #2
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Gran Metalik vs Drew Gulak
Pre-Match: Both cruiserweights shake hands, shades of last week after their match.
Winner: Drew Gulak
Method: Submission
Finish: Gu-Lock
Rating: *** Very Good
Note: Metalik was caught and submitted mid-taunt.

Last week on 205 Live: Austin Aries once again defeated Gentleman Jack Gallagher in their rematch.

Middle Card Promo
Since debuting on 205 Live TJ Perkins has been undefeated and rising through the ranks of the cruiserweight division like a hot knife through butter. Perkins looks to continue to rise with his next challenge and calls out “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” Austin Aries in what will prove to be TJ's stiffest test yet!
TJ Perkins vs Austin Aries
Promo Battle Winner: Austin Aries

Last week on 205 Live: The Brian Kendrick defeated Cedric Alexander with Noam Dar and Alicia Fox in his corner. Alicia Fox vowed to make Cedric pay for breaking up with her and some speculate that distractions at ringside were to blame for Cedric's loss to Kendrick last week.

Tonight: Cedric Alexander challenges The Brian Kendrick to a rematch and Noam Dar and Alicia Fox are banned from ringside.

Match #3
Normal Match
The Brian Kendrick vs Cedric Alexander
Winner: The Brian Kendrick
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Captain's Hook
Post-Match: Noam Dar runs in and attacks Cedric Alexander. (Not televised)

Up next: Gentleman Jack Gallagher and Lince Dorado are both coming off of two tough losses last week to Austin Aries and TJ Perkins conversely. Tonight, one of these two cruiserweights will bounce back into the winner's column!

Match #4
Normal Match
Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs Lince Dorado
Winner: Lince Dorado
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Standing Shooting Star Press
Post-Match: Lince offers a handshake that Gallagher accepts before raising Lince's arm.
Rating: **** Amazing

This past Monday night on RAW: The challenger for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at WWE Fastlane, Akira Tozawa bested the Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann in a promo battle.

Show Closer Promo
The WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann calls out Akira Tozawa.
Rich Swann vs Akira Tozawa
Promo Battle Winner: Rich Swann

Match #5
Main Event
Normal Match
Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese
Pre-Match: Nese awaits Ali who storms down the ramp and into the ring, taking Nese down with a Double A takedown with a flurry of fists before the official can restore order.
Winner: Mustafa Ali
Method: Count Out
Rating: * Bad

Mustafa Ali delivered payback against Tony Nese with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!


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