Monday, December 4, 2023

My Super Fire Pro Wrestling II Results: HWA (July.1992)


Human Wrestling Association




Singles Match

Atsushi Onita vs Tiger Jeet Singh


Method: Double Ring Out

Time: 00:59



Singles Match

Masakatsu Funaki vs Akira Maeda

WINNER: Akira Maeda

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Armbreaker

Time: 5:04

INTERVIEWER: Akira Maeda, an incredible victory against Masakatsu Funaki tonight. How do you feel about your performance?

AKIRA MAEDA: (nodding) Tonight was a battle. Funaki is a tough competitor and I respect him for that. But in the end, I came out on top. This victory is a testament to my training and dedication.

INTERVIEWER: The finish came with a pinfall after an armbreaker. Can you walk us through that moment?

MAEDA: (smirking) The armbreaker is a move I've perfected over the years. I saw the opportunity, and I seized it. Funaki fought hard, but in the end, he couldn't escape. That's the beauty of shoot-fighting; it's about finding the weakness and exploiting it.

INTERVIEWER: What does this win mean for your career?

MAEDA: This win means everything. It's a statement to everyone in the locker room and to the fans. I'm here to compete at the highest level, and I'm not backing down from anyone. Funaki is a legend, but tonight, I proved that I can go toe-to-toe with the best in the business.

(The crowd cheers louder, acknowledging Maeda's determination.)

INTERVIEWER: Any words for your fans and those who doubted your abilities?

MAEDA: To my fans, thank you for your unwavering support. I do this for you. And to those who doubted me, keep watching. I thrive on challenges, and I'm just getting started. I'm here to make a mark and I won't stop until I've reached the top.

(Terry Gordy, wearing a scowl on his face.)

TERRY GORDY: Well, well, well... Hulk Hogan! (smirking) You think you're the biggest dog in the yard, don't ya? The red and yellow, the prayers, the vitamins, all that jazz. But let me tell you somethin', Hogan. This ain't your backyard, brother. This is HWA, and it's my territory now!

(Gordy cracks his knuckles, an ominous grin on his face.)

You've been struttin' around here, actin' like you own the place. But tonight, you step in the ring with the real deal. I don't need flashy colors or catchy slogans. I just need these fists and the will to kick your ass!

(Gordy points directly at the camera.)

Hulk Hogan, you've been dodgin' me for too long! Tonight, there's no runnin', no hidin'. It's just you, me, and a whole lot of pain. You might be the icon but after tonight, they'll be talkin' about the day Terry Gordy sent Hulkamania straight to the emergency room!

(Hulk Hogan's Promo:)

(Hulk Hogan, wearing his trademark red and yellow, flexes his muscles, a confident smile on his face.)

HULK HOGAN: Well, let me tell you somethin', brother! Tonight in the HWA, it's not just about Hulk Hogan and Terry Gordy. It's about the power of Hulkamania runnin' wild, dude! (flexes)

Gordy, you may think you're the biggest, baddest dude around, but let me remind you, brother. Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe and when you step into the ring with me, you're steppin' into the eye of the storm!

(Hogan points at the camera with intensity.)

You talk about pain, Gordy, but you haven't felt the power of the largest arms in the world, brother! Tonight, in that HWA ring, I'm gonna prove why Hulk Hogan is the immortal one, the icon, the man with the power to run through giants like they're paper dolls!

So, Terry Gordy, get ready, brother, 'cause Hulkamania is gonna roll right over you! What'cha gonna do when Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs run wild on you?!



Singles Match

Hulk Hogan vs Terry Gordy

WINNER: Terry Gordy

Method: Pinfall

Finish: DDT

Time: 3:10



Singles Match

Dr. Death” Steve Williams vs Abdullah The Butcher

WINNER: “Dr. Death” Steve Williams

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Backdrop

Time: 3:37



Singles Match

Stan Hansen vs Dynamite Kid

WINNER: Stan Hansen

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Back Elbow

Time: 5:20



Tag Match

Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue vs Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada

WINNERS: Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue

Method: Count out from Taue on Kawada

Finish: Irish Whip on guardrail

Time: 7:27

(Jumbo Tsuruta and Akira Taue stand victorious in the ring. Tsuruta grabs a microphone as the crowd applauds their hard-fought battle.)

JUMBO TSURUTA: Tonight we proved once again why we are the dominant force in tag team wrestling! Misawa, Kawada, you put up one hell of a fight, but when the dust settled, it was clear who the superior team is!

AKIRA TAUE: (nodding) Misawa, Kawada, you two are formidable opponents, no doubt. But in that ring, there's no room for sentimentality. We did what we had to do to secure the victory. And, as you all saw, that count-out was just the beginning. We're the kings of the ring!

(Backstage Press Conference:)

REPORTER: Jumbo, Taue, congratulations on your victory. The count-out was a strategic move. Can you shed some light on your game plan?

TSURUTA: Thank you. Our game plan was simple – dominate the ring. We knew Misawa and Kawada are tough competitors, so we had to use every tool at our disposal. That count-out was just one piece of the puzzle.

REPORTER: Taue, your thoughts on the match?

TAUE: It was a war in there. Misawa and Kawada brought their A-game, but we brought our A-plus game. We've been a team for a long time, and our chemistry is unmatched. When you step into the ring with us, you're in for a fight.

REPORTER: What's next for Tsuruta and Taue in AJPW?

TSURUTA: We take on all comers. AJPW has some incredible tag teams, and we're ready to face each and every one of them. Our goal is simple – to be the best, and to stay the best.

REPORTER: Any message for Misawa and Kawada?

TAUE: Respect to Misawa and Kawada. They're warriors. But tonight, we proved that in this tag team division, we stand at the top. If they want another shot, we'll be right here, ready for round two.



Tag Match

Masahiro Chono & Keiji Mutoh vs Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

WINNERS: Masahiro Chono & Keiji Mutoh

Method: Count out from Chono on Vader

Finish: Powerbomb counter into a Back Body Drop from Mutoh

Time: 8:16



Singles Match

Jushin Thunder Liger vs Tiger Mask

WINNER: Tiger Mask

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Flip Kick

Time: 4:20




Tag Match

Antonio Inoki & Tatsumi Fujinami vs Riki Choshu & Shinya Hashimoto

WINNERS: Antonio Inoki & Tatsumi Fujinami

Method: Submission from Fujinami on Hashimoto

Finish: Dragon Sleeper

Time: 20:03

(Antonio Inoki grabs the microphone as the crowd roars in approval.)

ANTONIO INOKI: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we proved once again the indomitable spirit of New Japan Pro-Wrestling! Choshu, Hashimoto, you fought valiantly, but in the end, the power of Inoki and Fujinami was just too much!

(The crowd erupts in cheers, acknowledging the hard-fought battle.)

TATSUMI FUJINAMI: Hashimoto, my friend, you're tough, no doubt about it. But you felt the Dragon Sleeper tonight, didn't you? (Points at his own head) It's not just a move; it's a symbol. The symbol of our dominance!

INOKI: New Japan Pro-Wrestling is a family, a brotherhood. And tonight, Fujinami and I stood together, united, against any challenge that dared to step in our way. This victory is not just ours; it belongs to every fan, every supporter of NJPW!

(The two share a nod of respect as they raise their hands together, celebrating their victory.)

(Backstage Press Conference)

REPORTER: Antonio, Tatsumi, congratulations on your victory tonight. What are your thoughts on the match?

INOKI: Thank you. Tonight was a testament to the strength and unity of New Japan Pro-Wrestling. Choshu and Hashimoto are formidable opponents, but together, Fujinami and I proved that the spirit of NJPW cannot be broken.

REPORTER: Tatsumi, your Dragon Sleeper secured the win. Any comments on your strategy?

FUJINAMI: The Dragon Sleeper is a submission hold that represents not only my skill but the legacy of NJPW. Hashimoto fought hard but when he was caught in the Sleeper, he had no choice but to submit.

REPORTER: What's next for the dynamic duo of Inoki and Fujinami?

INOKI: We take each challenge as it comes. New Japan Pro-Wrestling is constantly evolving, and so are we. Whether it's in the ring or beyond, we'll continue to uphold the legacy of NJPW and face whatever challenges come our way.


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