Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12 Press Conference Overview

 NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12 Press Conference

This took place the day after the WTL Finals. Kenny Omega is up first to kick things off.

  • Omega says that he was excited for this challenge from Chris Jericho. It was suppose to be a gentleman's contest to find out who was the best. He looked up to Jericho.
  • He says that he gets caught in 5-star and 6-star matches but Jerico reminded him that at its core pro wrestling is a fight so now he understands what he must do.
  • This isn't about who's the better athlete or who the bigger fan favorite is and it's not about WWE vs NJPW. This is about who is truly the best.
  • He's not here to take Naito's main event. He doesn't even care about the main event spot right now.
  • He reflects on putting on one of the best matches against Okada earlier this year. He says his match with Jericho will be legendary in itself.
  • He tells Chris to bring his best and promises that he won't get another sneak attack, Jericho's going to see him coming head on.
  • He's asked about his injury to his head. Omega says he always bleeds but it's always by accident. This was no accident. This was someone looking to draw blood.
  • He says that he realized that Jericho has been studying Omega since he is out to prove that the Alpha is better than the Omega. 
  • He says that Jericho distracting him with a video and then distracting him from behind is something you'd see on an episode of WWE Monday Night RAW.
  • Omega says that he's got surprises of his own at WK12.
  • He says that he made a mistake in respecting Chris because his kindness was taken advantage of.
  • He says that Jericho has unlocked a new side of him, a fighter.

  • Chris Jericho's up next.
  • He says that his attack over Omega has made him happy because now everyone will see that Jericho is better than Kenny Omega.
  • He's asked about why he did what he did and is then attacked suddenly by Kenny Omega before he can get a sentence in.
  • Jericho turns the tables in the brawl before they're ultimately pulled apart.
  • The dust settles as Jericho tries to regain his composure and grabs a mic.
  • He says that this match won't be about 5-stars or how many times you can go for your finisher. It's going to be a fight.
  • Apparently someone in the back of the room started laughing because Jericho goes "what are you laughing at, fuckface?!" which got a big laugh out of me.
  • He says not to miss this match because you'll never see it again in New Japan.
  • He says that after this match at WK, Omega's done in NJPW and so is his career.
  • He takes someone's notes and writes that down for them, he shows everyone what he wrote and then he rips up this poor reporter's notepad.
  • Don Callis is there in a neckbrace as Jericho says that he better stay out of his way.
  • He then looks at someone off-camera and holds up his fist saying that the fist is for them.
Overall Thoughts

This is up on YouTube if you want to see it. It was a great platform to continue heating up this program. You don't have four weeks of WWE TV to build up before a PPV so this works just as well. They made it a point to get across that this match will not be a highly-rated match and that it will be a fight. I don't want to cast aspersions on Jericho's abilities but is it perhaps because the Omega/Okada level is one that is quite lofty to surpass? I quite honestly think that it will be a different kind of match but the resulting product will probably be amazing in its own right. 


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