Monday, December 11, 2017

My WWE Main Event Overview (December 8, 2017)

WWE Main Event
Episode 270
Los Angeles, CA
Staples Center
Network: Hulu Plus
Commentary by: Vic Joseph & Nigel McGuinness

Match #1
Normal Match
The Brian Kendrick vs Akira Tozawa
  • This was a fine match between these two great wrestlers. This is the type of match you'd find at a house show only with a couple of minutes shaved off.
  • Kendrick locks on the Captain's Hook but Tozawa fights out of and hits the Diving Senton for the pinfall.
Winner by pinfall: Akira Tozawa

Match #2
Tag Team Match
Gallows & Anderson vs Heath Slater & Rhyno
  • I lament this company's use of Gallows and Anderson. You easily cut have cut into the Bullet Club pie by doing something meaningful with these guys. Oh, the Young Bucks are achieving record-setting sales at Hot Topic? Let WWE's merch machine put out their own line of  "Club" merch. They have a license to print money and it's just sitting there.
  • As far as Slater and Rhyno go, they have something in common with this show. Both started off real hot but for some reason or another the company just started to lose interest in the bright shiny toy.
  • A standard match. Gallows and Anderson win with the Magic Killer.
Winners: Gallows & Anderson

Overall Thoughts
If WWE is the only pro wrestling programming you watch and you're fiending for some matches at the end of the week then the matches on Main Event are generally fun to watch. Is it worth a Hulu Plus subscription? Not for me. If you have the WWE Network, you're better off just waiting the couple of weeks for these shows to pop up on there.


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