Tuesday, December 12, 2017

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE NXT (April, week 3)

April, Week 3, Year 1
Full Sail University
Orlando, FL

NXT General Manager, William Regal is in his office talking with Oney Lorcan about various things. One of which is one of the newer forces here in NXT, Alexander Wolfe and Sawyer Fulton. They came to Regal hungry for a challenge. However, Regal didn't think that he had any to offer because the NXT Tag Team Champions, DIY and American Alpha are set to face other soon and he can't have that championship match damaged. The Hype Bros are recovering from the attack at the hands of The Revival last week who are enjoying their night off tonight. Regal says that he has come to an agreement between “The Perfect 10” Tye Dillinger and “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” Austin Aries to team up to face Wolfe and Fulton tonight.

Regal and Lorcan are interrupted by Blake, Murphy and Alexa Bliss. Blake brags about defeating Hideo Itami last week and says that tonight they want to show that they have what it takes to regain those NXT Tag Team Championships. Alexa adds that she plans on being the first woman to defeat Asuka in this new season of NXT and while Blake and Murphy are going to win back the NXT Tag Team Championships, Alexa will bring back the NXT Women's Championship to the group and they will all collectively run NXT. Regal says that he's the one that runs NXT around here and tells them that he's got nothing for them tonight as Alexa insists that they won't take no for an answer. Lorcan whispers something to Regal who rescinds his declination. The NXT GM says that Blake and Murphy will indeed be in action tonight against Oney Lorcan...and William Regal! Blake, Murphy and Alexa are shocked and outraged as Regal informs them that the match is next.

Match #1
Tag Team
Blake & Murphy (w/Alexa Bliss) vs Oney Lorcan & William Regal (w/Shinsuke Nakamura)
Winners: Oney Lorcan & William Regal

Johnny Gargano is interviewed and notes how William Regal decided against putting DIY in a match tonight but Gargano is here in his wrestling gear because he hears that Andrade “Cien” Almas has issued an open challenge to anyone in the NXT locker room for a match tonight. Gargano wants to accept that challenge and since it's a singles match and Gargano plans on winning, it shouldn't compromise DIY.

Match #2
Johnny Gargano (w/Tommaso Ciampa) vs Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/American Alpha)
Winner by submission: Johnny Gargano (Gargano Escape)(4* Amazing)
Post: The NXT Tag Team Champions, Gargano and Ciampa shake hands and celebrate this victory.

Match #3
Tag Team
Sanity (Alexander Wolfe & Sawyer Fulton) vs Tye Dillinger & Austin Aries
Winners: Tye Dillinger & Austin Aries (Last Chancery on Wolfe from Aries)

Match #4
Peyton Royce (w/Billie Kay) vs Dana Brooke
Winner by pinfall: Peyton Royce (Fisherman Suplex)

An elegant video package is shown highlighting the NXT Champion, Finn Balor. Conversely, another video is shown featuring the #1 Contender for the NXT Championship, Samoa Joe who is looking to regain the NXT Championship. He took out Hideo Itami to win his first NXT Championship and now he's going to take out Finn Balor to win his second.

Match #5
No Way Jose vs Elias
Pre: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: No Way Jose (3* Very Good)

Backstage, Hideo Itami is shown watching this match as he nods in approval watching No Way Jose's victory.


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