Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Ring of Honor Wrestling Overview (December 10, 2017)

Ring of Honor Wrestling
Lakeland, FL
RP Funding Center
Network: Local TV stations/
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni & Colt Cabana

Match #1
ROH World Television Championship
Normal Match
Kenny King (c) vs Caprice Coleman
  • Coleman is so underrated in my eyes. His charisma just jumps off of the screen. It seems like he's in that stage of his career where he's in programs to put other guys over. Which is fine. However consider this, I'm under the assumption that ROH is constantly gaining new fans as time goes on and their attendances increase. With that in mind, consider giving Coleman a good run!
  • This was a very fun match for me. Coleman pays Shane Taylor to watch his back which only amounted to a brief distraction spot that saw King knock Taylor off of the apron.
  • King gets the pinfall with the Royal Flush.

Winner and STILL ROH World Television Champion: Kenny King (Royal Flush)

Promo Segment
The Addiction, Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian bring up the incident where Raymond Rowe inadvertently injured a fan (thanks to The Addiction) and was promptly suspended for 30 days. Daniels continues and says that we're all in an age where the slightest hint of a scandal turns a talented man into a pariah. Because of this, they are calling for War Machine's termination from the ROH roster. Kazarian says that they have no sympathy for the injured fan and if it were up to them they would injure every fan in this arena. Hanson runs out and viciously attacks The Addiction. Kazarian puts Hanson down with a chair before taping Hanson's arms to the ropes. Daniels pulls out a boxcutter and cuts some of Hanson's hear. Daniels then tries to get his Reservoir Dogs on and goes to slice a bit of his ear. This prompts security to intervene which gives Hanson the opportunity to get back on his feet and take it to The Addiction.

Promo Segment
The Briscoe Brothers come out and spend some time insulting Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer. The ECW alumni are held back by security as ROH COO, Joe Koff implores them not to get physical. Jay Briscoe throws some age-based shade on Koff which prompts Koff to get in the ring and get in their faces. Two tough, bad ass guys listening to little old dude get in their face. He makes a Hardcore Tag Team for Final Battle before storming off which allows Bully and Dreamer to slide in and attack The Briscoes as bedlam breaks loose with security trying to restore order as ROH goes to break.

Match #2
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Marty Scurll is on commentary
Normal Match
Jay Lethal vs Matt Taven (w/Vinny Marseglia & TK O'Ryan)
  • This was a good match. I really enjoy this storyline of Scurll trying to bring out the old and villainous side of Jay Lethal who insists competing fairly. This ends up costing Lethal another match as Taven rolls him up when he decides not to use the umbrella.
Winner by pinfall: Matt Taven

Contract Signing
  • Ian Riccaboni is hosting the proceedings.
  • ROH World Champion, Cody is already in the ring with Brandi Rhodes. He's decked out in full kit. He's got a giant fur coat on and sunglasses indoors.
  • Dalton Castle is out next with a bedazzled button up shirt with peacock feathers around the collar and makes it a point to tell Cody that he looks ridiculous.
  • These two are facing each other in a championship match at Final Battle.
  • Upon being prompted several times by Ian to give a few words about the match, Cody disregards it all by offering Dalton some fancy meats and cheeses (before taking them all for himself and Brandi. 
  • Castle says that at Final Battle he's going to break Cody's heart and then go to his chemical wizard uncle for some adhesive to have the heart repaired so Castle and shatter it again when he becomes the new ROH World Champion. 
  • Cody is unaffected by all of this until Castle calls him overrated. This finally gets under Cody's skin as he gets fired up.
  • They both sign the contract and get in each other's face as Cody holds up the ROH World Title and ROH goes off the air.
Overall Thoughts

I really enjoyed this edition of ROH TV. It was a packed show. You had a championship match, a good match between Lethal and Taven that was another installment in the Lethal/Scurll storyline and a fun contract signing between Castle and Cody to end the show. Final Battle snuck up on me this week as it is right around the corner and taking place on Friday. I don't really sense a lot of buzz for it this year but on paper it certainly looks like a good show.


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