Friday, July 6, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (July.Week 1)

WCW Saturday Night
July, Week 1, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

After the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '88 Ric Flair '88 continued to attack Tatsumi Fujinami after their match two weeks ago, Fujinami delivered payback against Ric Flair '88 with an attack of his own last week on WCW Saturday Night, angered by his rival's actions. Despite this attack for revenge, Flair '88 still came out of the match with a submission victory thanks to the Figure Four Leg Lock. Fujinami has refused to take any time to heal or rest and has demanded another rematch right here tonight. WCW officials have told Fujinami that his championship match against Flair will still be taking place at WCW Bash at the Beach and that tonight's match will be another non-title affair. This is fine for Fujinami who is simply out to settle the score tonight.

At WCW Bash at the Beach in two weeks, the WCW World Tag Team Champions, The Fabulous Freebirds will defend their titles against Cactus Jack '92 and Diamond Dallas Page '92. Between these four competitors, Hayes finds himself as the lowest ranked wrestler. So tonight “P.S.” Hayes has challenged the highest ranked competitor out of the four men, Cactus Jack '92.

Match #1
Normal Match
Cactus Jack '92 (w/DDP '92) vs Michael “P.S.” Hayes (w/Jimmy “Jam” Garvin)
Winner by pinfall: Michael “P.S.” Hayes (Running Bulldog)

Middle Card Promo
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91 challenges the winner of the match between “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes and Flyin' Brian Pillman.

Match #2
Normal Match
Dustin Rhodes vs Flyin' Brian Pillman
Winner by pinfall: Flyin' Brian Pillman (Springboard Clothesline)

A video package is shown featuring Sting circa 1991, clad in the bright and legendary “Surfer Sting” facepaint and taking on every challenge put in front of him in 1991 WCW. The video then features highlights from 1988 Sting from WCW Clash of the Champions where he defeated “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. The featurette poses the question: “Which Sting was superior”? We find out tonight as Sting '88 puts his #2 contendership on the line against Sting '91!

Match #3
#2 Contender's Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Sting '88 (#2) vs Sting '91
Winner by submission and #2 contender: Sting '91 (Scorpion Death Lock)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Sting '91 offers Sting '88 a handshake that is accepted before Sting '88 raises his arm in good sportsmanship.

Despite defeating The Rock 'N' Roll Express two weeks ago on WCW Saturday Night, The Enforcers, Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko's unity appeared to be at an all time low as they head into their big match against rivals The Rock 'N' Roll Express, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson at WCW Bash at the Beach. However, perhaps their recent success has led to burial of the hatchet between Anderson and Zbyszko who appeared to be on the same page once again last week when Anderson interfered on behalf of Zbyszko and assisted in his victory over Robert Gibson. This has prompted Ricky Morton to step up and challenge last week's interloper, Arn Anderson to a match tonight!

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
Ricky Morton (w/Robert Gibson) vs Arn Anderson (w/Larry Zbyszko)
Mid-Match: Morton Irish whips Anderson when Gibson trips up Anderson on the outside in an effort to gain a measure of payback from last week when Anderson tripped Gibson at ringside. Anderson protests as Zbyszko jumps up on the apron to join the protest leading Morton to take a wild swing at “The Living Legend”. This chaos prompts the referee to eject both Gibson and Zbyszko from ringside.
Winner by pinfall: Arn Anderson (DDT)(*** ½ Great)

Show Closer Promo
The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '91 returns to WCW Saturday Night and is revealed to be the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship currently held by Ric Flair '88. He proclaims himself as the superior “Nature Boy” and put Flair '88 on notice.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Ric Flair '88 vs Tatsumi Fujinami
Pre-Match: Fujinami awaits Flair's entrance as “The Nature Boy” jumps from the crowd and slides into the ring behind Fujinami before laying out “The Dragon”, attempting to get the advantage as the match begins.
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '88 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(** Average)


The WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair '88 attacked Tatsumi Fujinami from behind, afraid of facing his rival head-on until their championship match!

Chaos broke out at ringside as Robert Gibson and Larry Zbyszko tried to get involved in the match. Tensions between the two teams continue to escalate.


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