Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Monday Nitro (September.Week 4)

WCW Monday Nitro
September, Week 4, Year 1
Rio Rancho, NM

Last week on Nitro, the WCW United States Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart feigned an attempt to walkout of his match against his rival, taking advantage of his opponent's frustration. Ricky Steamboat chased after him only to be struck with an unexpected sucker punch, playing right into his Hart's hands.
Tonight, as WCW invades New Mexico, Bret Hart will meet Ricky Steamboat in their rubber match!

Show Opener Promo
Kurt Angles comes out to the ring and puts over Dean Malenko as one of the greatest technical wrestlers in WCW history. However, now that Kurt Angle is here on Nitro that honors belongs to him. He congratulates Malenko on his victory over Angle last week but now Kurt has lost his opportunity to challenge the WCW World Heavyweight Champion “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and that is the purpose of Angle standing inside of this WCW ring. He is the “Wrestling Machine” of ECW and he wants all of the gold so there's nothing left to do but to challenge “The Man of 1,000 Holds” to a rematch.

Match #1
WCW World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
Bam Bam Bigelow & Diamond Dallas Page '98 (c) vs The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair '91 & Arn Anderson)
Winners and STILL WCW World Tag Team Champions: Bam Bam Bigelow & Diamond Dallas Page (Spiral Bomb from DDP on Anderson)

Match #2
ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Quarter Final Round
Extreme Rules Match
Scott Hall vs Flyin' Brian Pillman
Winner by pinfall: Scott Hall (Outsider's Edge)

Middle Card Promo
Kevin Nash comes out the ring and talks about how Scott Hall and him beat down “The American Bad Ass” last week. Nash adds that he doesn't even need Hall to beat The Undertaker into submission and he's got a message. He doesn't care about WWE versus WCW because at the end of it all, it will the flag of the New World Order that rises above them all.

Match #3
Normal Match
Vader vs The Godfather
Winner by count out: Vader (* Bad)

Match #4
Normal Match
Dean Malenko vs Kurt Angle '06
Winner by pinfall: Kurt Angle '06 (Angle Slam)

Show Closer Promo
The WCW Hardcore Champion Goldberg comes out to the ring and addresses Triple H's comments last week where he put the WCW locker room on notice. Goldberg isn't sure if “The Game” knows where he is and if he's seen any of the guys in the WCW locker room because threatening them is not a wise decision. Goldberg calls out “The King of Kings” who informs Goldberg that whenever anyone refers to “WCW management”, they're really referring to The Authority because they're in charge and they're here to demonstrate their superiority and there's no one better to make an example out of than Goldberg! (Triple H wins the promo battle.)

It is revealed by Ricky Steamboat that Bret Hart seems to have gotten inside the ear of WCW management and convinced them that tonight's rubber match should be a non-title encounter since Bret Hart won the rematch. So it is up to “The Dragon” tonight to come out with a victory if he wants an opportunity at the WCW United States Championship that he's trained so hard to win.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 vs Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '94
Pre-Match: Bret awaits Steamboat in the ring who charges at “The Hitman” and leaps on him with a furious series of strikes to start the match.
Winner by submission: Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 (Sharpshooter)(*** Very Good)


Challenger Ricky Steamboat '94 evened the odds against the WCW United States Champion Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 with a furious attack!


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