Monday, August 27, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (September.Week 3)

WCW Saturday Night
September, Week 3, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

Last week on WCW Saturday Night, Ric Flair '88 continued to attack the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Tatsumi Fujinami after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him. As a make-good from WCW officials for Flair's continuous blindside attacks, Fujinami has been denied a match with Flair tonight but has been given the power to book Flair in a match against anyone that Fujinami desires on the WCW roster. Fujinami has chosen The Nature Boy's opponent and it will be none other than fellow Four Horsemen stablemate, “Double A” Arn Anderson! Horseman vs Horseman!

Also last week on WCW Saturday Night, the animosity between rivals reached a boiling point, after Larry Zbyszko attacked Michael “P.S.” Hayes during their tag team match and left his partner alone in the ring to finish the match. Tonight, Zbyszko faces Hayes' tag team partner “Freebird” Jimmy “Jam” Garvin! Can Jimmy “Jam” get a little revenge for his buddy “P.S.” Hayes?

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Larry Zbyszko vs Jimmy “Jam” Garvin
Pre-Match: Zbyszko is attacked from behind on the ramp during his entrance by Michael Hayes who has to be ripped off of Zbyszko by WCW security. Will Hayes' fury help Garvin pick up a huge victory over “The Living Legend”?
Winner by count out: Jimmy “Jam” Garvin! (* Bad)

Lord Steven Regal talks about scouring the Earth for a secret weapon to help him take out the forces in his way here on WCW Saturday Night and the secret weapon he has found comes from the land of the rising sun. It doesn't matter whether you're the WCW World Tag Team Champions The Fabulous Freebirds, The Rock 'N. Roll Express or even Cactus Jack and DDP. Nobody here in World Championship Wrestling is safe.

Match #2
Normal Match
The Total Package” Lex Luger vs Lord Steven Regal (w/The Great Muta)
Winner by pinfall: Lord Steven Regal! (Regalplex)(*** ½ Great)

Match #3
Normal Match
Robert Gibson (w/Ricky Morton) vs Dustin Rhodes
Winner by pinfall: Robert Gibson (Missile Dropkick)

Match #4
Normal Match
Cactus Jack '92 vs Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack '92 (Stump Puller Piledriver)(** ½ Good)

Show Closer Promo
Former WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page comes out and challenges the current WCW United States Champion Sting to a rematch.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Horseman vs Horseman
Normal Match
Ric Flair '88 vs Arn Anderson
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '88 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Flair gets carried away and shockingly goes to attack Anderson with a steel chair when Tatsumi Fujinami runs in to take the chair away from Flair and chase him off before checking on Anderson.


Tatsumi Fujinami saved Arn Anderson from a dangerous attack by Ric Flair '88!

Arn Anderson has suffered a minor (leg) injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

Michael “P.S.” Hayes delivered payback against Larry Zbyszko with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!


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