Friday, August 24, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE NXT (September.Week 3)

September, Week 3, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Last week on NXT, Samoa Joe viciously attacked NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura before the match began which no doubt played a role in Joe's non-title victory over Nakamura. Tonight, Nakamura has asked for a rematch and NXT General Manager William Regal has granted him his request so long as it's a non-title affair as a way to avoid out-of-the-ring incidents between the two.

NXT GM William Regal informs The Iconic Duo that Peyton Royce is banned from ringside for Billie Kay's NXT Women's Championship opportunity.

Match #1
NXT Women's Championship
Normal Match
Asuka (c) vs Billie Kay
Winner by submission and STILL NXT Women's Champion: Asuka (Armbar)

Match #2
Normal Match
Andrade “Cien” Almas vs Noah Potjes
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Andrade “Cien” Almas (Hammerlock DDT)

Two weeks ago, “The Velveteen Dream” Patrick Clark picked up a big victory over Elias.

Match #3
Normal Match
Patrick Clark vs Elias
Winner by pinfall: Patrick Clark (Diving Elbow Drop)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Clark attacks Elias and rams him into the steel steps.

Match #4
NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II Rematch
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Hideo Itami vs Austin Aries
Winner by submission: Austin Aries (Last Chancery)(*** ½ Great)

Last week on NXT, No Way Jose was able to pull out a huge victory over Bobby Roode in a rematch from NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II.

Show Closer Promo
Bobby Roode comes out and says that No Way Jose's victory over him last week was simply a fluke and all that he has to do is face Jose in another match to prove that he is truly “glorious”.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe
Pre-Match: Nakamura awaits Joe who jaw jacks with Shinsuke at ringside which leads to brawling at ringside.
Winner by submission: Samoa Joe (Coquina Clutch)(*** ½ Great)


Shinsuke Nakamura's and Samoa Joe's match broke down into a brawl before it even started!


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