Saturday, August 25, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (September.Week 3)

WWE SmackDown '00
September, Week 3, Year 1
Washington, D.C.

Show Opener Promo
John Cena '06 comes out to the ring and calls out the Hardcore Champion Kurt Angle '01 before challenging “The Olympic Hero” to a Hardcore Championship match tonight. Cena wants to face Angle under hardcore rules, the original intention of the championship. Angle accepts his challenge but declines Cena's request for the match to be hardcore rules because the Olympic gold medalist is on a campaign to make the Hardcore Championship a championship of integrity. Cena says that on the topic of campaigns and promises, Cena promises that if he becomes Hardcore Champion tonight then as champion he will bring back hardcore rules.

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Edge & Christian vs Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 & Dude Love
Winners: Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 & Dude Love (Stunner from Austin on Edge)

The winner of the following quarter final contest in the ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament between Cactus Jack '98 and Brian Pillman will advance to the semi-final round where they will face the winner of the Eddie Guerrero/Rikishi bout.

Match #2
ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Quarter Finals
Extreme Rules Match
Cactus Jack '98 vs Brian Pillman
Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack '98 (Stump Puller Piledriver)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Cactus Jack offers “The Loose Cannon” a handshake but gets it smacked away in disgust.

Match #3
Main Event
Hardcore Championship
Normal Match
Kurt Angle '01 (c) vs John Cena '06
Winner by pinfall and NEW Hardcore Champion: John Cena '06 (Sit-out Powerbomb on the steel ramp-way)

Middle Card Promo
WCW's Sting '99 comes out and reveals that the recent rivalry between WWE and WCW didn't stem from invasions but rather from a working agreement. It's no secret that WCW is owned by the WWE but operated as a separate brand. WWE wanted to see what WCW could truly do and WCW wanted to prove that they're not only equal but superior to the WWE. So what the fans have been seeing aren't invasions but rather a highly competitive talent exchange.

Sting then talks about Stone Cold Steve Austin and says that he couldn't be happier about locking up with Stone Cold. “The Texas Rattlesnake” is arguably the WWE's biggest star of all time and the Stinger wants to see everybody's reaction when WCW's Sting beats the face of an era of the WWE.

Show Closer Promo
WWE Champion Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring and addresses what the #1 contender for the WWE Championship, Eddie Guerrero, said this past Monday night on RAW IS WAR. He arrogantly talks about how it doesn't matter how talented Eddie is because he will always be out-shined by “The Heartbreak Kid”. This time Guerrero ultimately defeats HBK in the promo battle, evening things up from last week's promo battle.


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