Monday, August 6, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Monday Nitro (August.Week 2)

WCW Monday Nitro
August, Week 2, Year 1
Honolulu, HI

Last week on WCW Monday Nitro, the WCW World Television Champion Disco Inferno defeated Scott Hall, avoiding a frustrated and desperate attack by the loser and adding more significance to his victory. Many in the WCW Universe are calling this a big upset victory for Disco who has since said that this victory has done as much for him as it has done to raise the prestige of the WCW World Television Championship.

Show Opener Promo
An irate Scott Hall comes out to the ring to call out Disco Inferno who is feeling on top of the world after his huge victory last week over Hall. Hall says that Disco shouldn't be celebrating a fluke victory because that is clearly what that was. Disco mocks and makes fun of The Outsider which only angers Hall more. Hall says that if Disco wants to really prove that he is on the rise and not a fluke snatcher then he will face Hall in a rematch right here tonight. Disco accepts and looks forward to celebrating two straight wins over Scott Hall and says that he is going to party here in Honolulu, Hawaii until the sun comes up.

Last week on Nitro, Fit Finlay defeated “Stunning” Steve Austin, avoiding a frustrated and desperate attack by the loser and adding more significance to his victory. Also occurring last week was Vader's challenge to WCW Hardcore Champion Goldberg who would end up accepting the challenge for this battle of behemoths. Tonight, Vader will go one on one with “The Belfast Bruiser” in what he's considering to be a tune-up match for his upcoming hardcore bout with Goldberg. Two men on a roll of upward momentum clash next. Someone's momentum comes to a screeching halt!

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Vader vs Fit Finlay
Winner by pinfall: Vader (Vadersault)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Vader defeats Finlay as he picks up big momentum on his way to his WCW Hardcore Championship match against the WCW Hardcore Champion Goldberg. Following the victory, “Stunning” Steve Austin runs in and lays out both Vader and Finlay, looking to be the one to leave this match with all of the momentum.

Match #2
Normal Match
Lord Steven Regal vs Dean Malenko
Winner by pinfall: Lord Steven Regal (Regalplex)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Regal offers Malenko a handshake that “The Iceman” accepts before raising Regal's arm in a sign of good WCW sportsmanship.

Middle Card Promo
The new #1 contender “The Total Package” Lex Luger comes out to the ring and talks about how his time has finally come. Many have challenged the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair but “The Nature Boy” always finds a way to keep that WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Lex Luger is here to warn Flair that no dirty tricks will save him when he steps into the ring with “The Total Package”. Luger states that he is the next WCW World Heavyweight Championship but adds that he will also keep the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and knock “The Nature Boy” off of his pedestal.

Match #3
#1 Contender's Match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair '91 & Arn Anderson) vs Bam Bam Bigelow & Diamond Dallas Page '98
Winners: The Four Horsemen (Figure Four Leg Lock from Flair on Bigelow)

Footage is shown of Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 defeating Kevin Nash last week on Nitro to become the new WCW United States Champion.

Show Closer Promo
Bret “The Hitman” Hart '98 comes out to the ring and says how he enjoys watching that footage back from last week where he won the WCW United States Championship. However, there is one clip of Nitro last week that he doesn't enjoy and that clip is of the returning Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '94 defeating the WCW Cruiserweight Champion “Flyin'” Brian Pillman last week. Steamboat interrupts Bret's promo and joins him in the ring. Steamboat wants a match with “The Hitman” for the WCW United States Championship and the WCW Universe here in Hawaii want to see it happen.

Bret groans and rolls his eyes and asks Ricky how many times does he have to teach him a lesson before Ricky replies with the information that in the WCW rankings, “The Dragon” currently outranks “The Hitman” so Steamboat is getting his title match either way. Ricky just wanted to Bret to look him in the eyes like a man to formally accept the challenge. Bret calls Ricky's piece of information a travesty and proof that WCW officials are incompetent. “The Hitman” officially accepts the challenge and says that he will rectify that travesty and will shut Steamboat up and send him back to the level below “The Excellence of Execution” where everybody else belongs.

Match #4
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Scott Hall vs Disco Inferno
Winner by pinfall: Scott Hall (Outsider's Edge)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Hall goes to leave but stops at the ramp and looks around at the prone Disco Inferno before turning around to grab a steel chair from under the ring. Hall wails away at Disco with the chair as Nitro goes off the air.
Scott Hall picked up an aggressive win against Disco Inferno!

Stunning Steve Austin continued to attack Fit Finlay after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him!


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