Saturday, August 18, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (September.Week 1)

WCW Saturday Night
September, Week 1, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

Last week on WCW Saturday Night, Tatsumi Fujinami's and Ric Flair '88's match broke down into a brawl before it even started. Tonight, WCW officials will look to restore order and prevent last week's incident from repeating in order to present a fair and competitive match-up.

Match #1
Normal Match
Dustin Rhodes vs Lord Steven Regal
Winner by pinfall: Lord Steven Regal (Regalplex)(*** Very Good)

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Larry Zbyszko vs Jimmy “Jam” Garvin
Pre-Match: Zbyszko is attacked from behind during his entrance by Michael “P.S.” Hayes who attacks with fury. The WCW official has to call for security to rip Hayes off of Zbyszko.
Winner by pinfall: Jimmy “Jam” Garvin (Brainbuster)(*** Very Good)

Match #3
Normal Match
Cactus Jack '92 vs Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack '92 (Stump Puller Piledriver)(*** Very Good)

Match #4
WCW United States Championship
Normal Match
Diamond Dallas Page '92 (c) vs Sting '88
Winner by submission and NEW WCW United States Champion: Sting '88 (Scorpion Deathlock)

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Tatsumi Fujinami vs Ric Flair '88
Pre-Match: Fujinami awaits Flair in the ring who slides in from behind and lays out Fujinami.
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '88 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(*** Very Good)

WCW Saturday Night
September, Week 1, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

Last week on WCW Saturday Night, Tatsumi Fujinami's and Ric Flair '88's match broke down into a brawl before it even started. Tonight, WCW officials will look to restore order and prevent last week's incident from repeating in order to present a fair and competitive match-up.

Match #1
Normal Match
Dustin Rhodes vs Lord Steven Regal
Winner by pinfall: Lord Steven Regal (Regalplex)(*** Very Good)

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Larry Zbyszko vs Jimmy “Jam” Garvin
Pre-Match: Zbyszko is attacked from behind during his entrance by Michael “P.S.” Hayes who attacks with fury. The WCW official has to call for security to rip Hayes off of Zbyszko.
Winner by pinfall: Jimmy “Jam” Garvin (Brainbuster)(*** Very Good)

Match #3
Normal Match
Cactus Jack '92 vs Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack '92 (Stump Puller Piledriver)(*** Very Good)

Match #4
WCW United States Championship
Normal Match
Diamond Dallas Page '92 (c) vs Sting '88
Winner by submission and NEW WCW United States Champion: Sting '88 (Scorpion Deathlock)

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Tatsumi Fujinami vs Ric Flair '88
Pre-Match: Fujinami awaits Flair in the ring who slides in from behind and lays out Fujinami.
Winner by submission: Ric Flair '88 (Figure Four Leg Lock)(*** Very Good)


Ric Flair '88 attacked Tatsumi Fujinami from behind, afraid of facing his rival head-on until their WCW World Heavyweight Championship match!

Sting '88 has won the WCW United States Championship!

Michael “P.S.” Hayes continues to take the fight to Larry Zbyszko, winning the WWE Universe over with his tenacity and courage!


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