Sunday, August 12, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW (August.Week 4)

August, Week 4, Year 1
Glendale, AZ

Show Opener Promo
Cesaro makes an unscheduled appearance and comes out to the ring. He talks about how he always hears WWE management talking about he needs to grab the brass ring. He says he trains harder and studies this craft more than any WWE Superstar on the roster. Cesaro doesn't know what much else he can do...except for coming into this ring and daring any WWE Superstar to try their luck against him in a match. Cesaro is answered by Chris Jericho who wants to know why Cesaro is standing in his ring wasting his time and stealing his spotlight. The only other person that should be in this ring besides Jericho is the WWE United States Champion Randy Orton who Jericho is going to beat, humiliate and then commandeer the WWE United States Championship.

RAW General Manager Mick Foley informs Jericho that SmackDown Live Superstar Randy Orton was not scheduled to appear tonight but Foley thinks that Cesaro is a perfectly acceptable alternative for Chris to compete against tonight. Foley tells Cesaro that a victory over Jericho would definitely propel him far enough up the rankings among the top RAW Superstars.

Match #1
Tag Team Match
The Golden Truth (R-Truth & Goldust) vs The New Millenia (Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn)
Winners: The New Millenia (New Generation Combo on R-Truth)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: The New Millenia beat down The Golden Truth and expel them from the ring before celebrating.

Middle Card Promo
Jack Swagger comes out to talk about his big match tonight against “The Beast Incarnate” Brock Lesnar with an opportunity to go to SummerSlam on the line and compete for the WWE Universal Championship. He talks about their match at Battleground and how Swagger has been replaying that match over and over again in his head ever since. Tonight, Swagger gets his second chance at Lesnar. Will this be Swagger's time? It's been a long road back to the main event for Jack Swagger and it has never been this close within reach. Will Jack be back at SummerSlam?

Brock Lesnar interrupts and comes out to the ring. He says that he wanted Swagger to look him in the eyes while he said all of that garbage. Brock adds that he is impressed by what he sees and says that he thought that he'd find Swagger out here shaking in his boots. However, Brock does see an ignorant lamb unknowingly being led to the slaughterhouse. Brock ends the segment by saying that the Universal Championship is as good as his.

Footage is shown of Braun Strowman obliterating local competitor James Ellsworth on two different occasions.

Match #2
Second Rematch
Normal Match
Braun Strowman vs James Ellsworth
Winner by pinfall: Braun Strowman (Running Powerslam)(**** Amazing)(Squash)

Match #3
Normal Match
Nia Jax vs Sarah Bridges
Winner by pinfall: Nia Jax (Samoan Drop)(Squash)

Match #4
Normal Match
Charlotte (w/Ric Flair & Dana Brooke) vs Alicia Fox
Winner by submission: Charlotte (Figure Eight Leg Lock)

Match #5
Normal Match
Seth Rollins (w/Roman Reigns) vs Karl Anderson (w/Luke Gallows)
Winner by pinfall: Seth Rollins (Avada Kedavra)(*** ½ Great)

Show Closer Promo
Big Show comes out and talks about his last WWE Championship run back in the WWE 2K15 season and how we was an unstoppable annihilation machine with nine world title reigns under his belt. Since then he has worked and trained long and hard to finally earn this opportunity. The era of the Big Show is back and at SummerSlam he will become the very first WWE Universal Champion and nobody will be able to take him down.

Match #6
Normal Match
Cesaro vs Chris Jericho
Pre-Match: Cesaro awaits Jericho who is viciously attacked on the ramp by Randy Oorton who is ripped off of Jericho by WWE security.
Winner by submission: Cesaro (Sharpshooter)(*** ½ Great)

Match #7
Winner Faces Big Show For The WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam
Battleground Rematch
Normal Match
Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) vs Jack Swagger
Winner by pinfall: Brock Lesnar (F5)


Chris Jericho was on the receiving end of a furious attack before his match started, as Randy Orton delivered payback with an attack of his own. Security had to be involved in order to separate the rivals so the match could begin!

Seth Rollins has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!

Sin Cara has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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