Friday, August 10, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (August.Week 3)

WWE SmackDown '00
August, Week 3, Year 1
Denver, CO

Show Opener Promo
An angry WWE Champion (The Rock '01) comes out and talks about how the Big Show took a cheap shot at him on RAW IS WAR on Monday. Rock is not about to let that slide and wants to take this opportunity on The Rock's show SmackDown to call out that big piece of trash, Big Show.

Big Show comes out and tells The Rock to get used to these beatings because Rocky's going to have to endure an endless amount of them and the pain won't stop there. Show tells Rock to start shopping for psychiatrists because he's going to need one after he loses the WWE Championship to Show. A promo battle ensues that sees The Rock mock and ridicule Big Show.

Show tells Rock that he should learn to accept beatdowns and failure because with the resurgence of Mr. McMahon's Corporation, The Big Show is going to be the top dog around here. He advises The Rock that it would not be a smart move to cross members of The Corporation. Rock continues to make fun of The Big Show who lays out The Rock with another cheap shot.

Match #1
Normal Match
Eddie Guerrero vs Triple H '01
Winner by pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (Gory Bomb)(Triple H had his hand on the rope)

Three weeks ago on SmackDown, Headbanger Thrasher defeated Kane '98 to win the WWE European Championship in a huge upset victory and “The Big Red Machine” has been seething ever since. That anger has only increased since Monday's edition of RAW IS WAR where Kane lost a hard-hitting match against Cactus Jack '98. Can Thrasher overcome the rage of Kane and keep the WWE European Championship that he's fought so hard for?

Match #2
WWE European Championship
Normal Match
Thrasher (c)(w/Mosh) vs Kane '98
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE European Champion: Kane '98 (Chokeslam)

Footage is shown of Jacqueline throwing a tantrum and attacking a WWE official after losing a non-title bout to the WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus. As a result, Jacqueline has been suspended and will not appear on tonight's edition of SmackDown.

Match #3
Normal Match
Lita vs Ivory
Winner by pinfall: Lita (Inverted Twist of Fate)

Match #4
Tag Team Match
The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & Billy Gunn) vs Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty)
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

Show Closer Promo
Sting '99 comes out and makes no bones about it. He's a WCW contracted wrestler on an excursion into enemy territory and the WWE locker room has definitely made sure not to host a welcoming party for him. However, Sting is not here to be welcomed. Sting is here to make THE challenge. Sting calls out the WWE Intercontinental Champion The Undertaker '00. Sting knows that “The American Bad Ass” has already accepted his challenge but Sting wants to hear it from “The Phenom” himself. Sting wants him to look him in the eyes. The Undertaker '00 comes out to the ring and indeed accepts the challenge in front of Sting before going on to win the promo battle and end the segment.

Match #5
Main Event
Normal Match
The Rock '01 (w/Mankind) vs Big Boss Man '99 (w/Big Show '00 & Mr. McMahon '01)
Winner by pinfall: The Rock '01 (Rock Bottom)


Kane '98 has won the WWE European Championship!

Triple H '01 has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.


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