Thursday, December 14, 2023

My Action Arcade Wrestling Results (Sat.Jul.W2.18)

Action Arcade Wrestling

Saturday.July.Week 2.2018

Traditional Arena




AAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Krimson Klaw & Dexter Parker

BIG STEVIE COOL: "Well, well, well, if it ain't the Rock 'N' Roll fossils. Look, we respect what they've done for the business, but tonight, it's about proving that The Blue World Order is the real deal. Get ready for a lesson in blue-tiful wrestling, boys."

HOLLYWOOD NOVA: "Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, you guys were rocking and rolling when we were still in diapers. Tonight, it's not about legacy; it's about the here and now. The bWo is going to take you on a trip to the future, and it's painted blue, baby!"

STEVIE: "The bWo may be known for shenanigans but when that bell rings, it's all business. We've got the blue-tiful unity to take on anyone."

NOVA: "Experience is overrated. Tonight, it's about the trademark blue-tiful chaos that only The bWo can bring. The Rock 'N' Roll Express better be ready for a blue revolution in that ring."

STEVIE: "Get ready for a blue-tiful victory. We're doing this for the true believers in the power of blue. Rock 'N' Roll Express, enjoy your nostalgia trip because tonight, you're going to experience the harsh reality – the Blue World Order is taking over!"

RICKY MORTON: "The Rock 'N' Roll Express has been rocking and rolling for decades and tonight, it's just another stop on the journey. The Blue World Order, they're stepping into the ring with legends, and legends don't back down from a fight!"

ROBERT GIBSON: "That's right! The Blue World Order may think they're cool but tonight, they'll be facing the real deal. We've been through it all, and we're still here, ready to prove why we're the kings of tag team wrestling. A shot at the AAW Tag Team Championship is just what we've been waiting for."

RICKY: "We've seen it all in our time. The Rock 'N' Roll Express may be known for our high-flying and fast-paced style but don't underestimate our ability to adapt. Tonight, we'll show The bWo that you can't out-rock or out-roll the originals!"

ROBERT: "They might try to play mind games, but in the end, it's about what you can do in that ring. We'll bring the experience, the teamwork, and the heart that The Rock 'N' Roll Express is known for. The bWo is in for a wake-up call."

RICKY: "To our fans, get ready to witness some classic Rock 'N' Roll action. We're doing it for you, and we appreciate your unwavering support. And to The bWo, tonight, you're facing not just a tag team; you're facing a legacy. Get ready to feel the rhythm and taste the blues!"

ROBERT: "bWo, tonight you're facing the originals. The Rock 'N' Roll Express is here to remind everyone that rock and roll will never die. Let's do this!"



Tag Team Match

The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) vs The Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool & Hollywood Nova)

WINNERS and #1 CONTENDERS: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)

Method: Pinfall from Ricky on Stevie

Finish: Standing Hurricanrana

THUNDER ROSA: "Tonight is the night. Britt Baker, tonight there's nowhere to hide. I've put in the work, I've honed my skills and I'm walking out of this match victorious.”

This isn't just about personal differences; it's about proving who the better wrestler is. The fans deserve a match they'll remember and I'm here to deliver. Britt, you've been talking a big game, but actions speak louder than words and tonight, the world will witness Thunder Rosa at her best.”

I respect the competition but make no mistake, I'm here to win. I've prepared mentally and physically, and I'm ready to give it everything I've got. Get ready, Britt, because when that bell rings, it's go time. The Thunder will roar, and I will be the one standing tall in the end."

BRITT BAKER: "Thunder Rosa, tonight is just another chapter in the story of my dominance. I've proven time and time again that I am the face of women's wrestling and tonight won't be any different. You may think you're a formidable opponent, but you're stepping into my world, my ring and that's where I thrive.

I've worked too hard to let anyone, especially you, stand in the way of my success. This match isn't just about proving who's the better wrestler; it's about cementing my legacy. Thunder Rosa, you've been talking a big game but it's time for you to understand that you're dealing with the most dominant force in this business.

I've faced adversity, injuries, and doubters but I've overcome them all. Tonight won't be any different. When that bell rings, it's my time to shine, and I plan on making an example out of you. Get ready for a clinic in wrestling, Thunder Rosa, because I'm not just a role model—I'm the undeniable queen of women's wrestling, and I'm going to show the world why."


Normal Match

Britt Baker vs Thunder Rosa

WINNER: Thunder Rosa

Method: Submission

Finish: Reverse/Inverted Tequila Sunrise

SLAMMER STANISLOVOICH: "Ah, Sabu, my opponent in the ring. He is like wild panther in the forest, unpredictable and ferocious. But Slammer Stanislovoich, he is like sturdy Russian bear, strong and unyielding. When I step into the ring with Sabu, I will show him my power. He may bring chaos, but I will bring order and strength. Get ready, Sabu, for the slam of a lifetime!"


Normal Match

Slammer Stanislovoich vs Sabu


Method: Submission

Finish: Camel Clutch

HOT” J. TUBBS: “Well, let me tell ya, we've faced some tough opponents but this takes the cake. It's like a puzzle and a pest problem all in one. But we're ready for anything; we're a powerhouse quartet, and we're gonna give it our all.”

JACQUES HAMMER: “C'est vrai, mon ami. This may be unconventional, but in AAW you never know what you'll face. I've tangled with some strange characters before, but ants, a pencil, and a Rubik's Cube?”

THE HAUNTED & FORSAKEN: (silently glare)

TUBBS: We've got to stay focused, use our strength to overpower them. The ants may be small but we can't underestimate them. And that Rubik's Wrestler? Well, we'll just have to twist and turn it until we find a way to win.”

JACQUES: “Oui, and don't forget the No2 Pencil. It may be mightier than the sword, but it's no match for us!”

THE HAUNTED & FORSAKEN: (stare intensely)

GREEN ANT: “In the ant world, we believe in teamwork and unity. Size doesn't always matter in the ring. Our strategy is agility, speed, and overwhelming teamwork.”

THIEF ANT: “That's right. We might be small but we're quick, and we know how to work together. We're going to swarm our opponents and leave them wondering what hit them.”

No2 PENCIL: (Sharpens point) “I may be just a writing instrument but I've got a point to prove in the ring. I'll be drawing some lines and sketching out our victory. Watch out for my precision strikes.”

RUBIK'S WRESTLER: (Rotates colors) “Every move we make is part of a larger strategy. We may look like a puzzle, but we've got our opponents puzzled tonight. Prepare for a twisty, turny showdown.” (Aligns colors)


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Green Ant, Thief Ant, No2 Pencil & Rubik's Wrestler vs “HOT” J. Tubbs, Jacques Hammer, The Haunted & Forsaken

WINNERS: “HOT” J. Tubbs, Jacques Hammer, The Haunted & Forsaken

Method: Pinfall from Hammer on Green Ant

Finish: Fireman's Carry

EBESSAN: “Oh, Rockin' Ronnie-san! We had quite the dance last time, didn't we? Tonight, the stage is set for our epic rematch! I must admit, Ronnie, you surprised me last time, but tonight, I've been practicing my secret moves and mastering the art of surprise. You see, winning the AAW National Championship is like catching a rare Pokémon for me and I've gotta catch 'em all!

Ronnie! Get ready for a wild ride! The Ebessan Express is leaving the station and there's no stopping it! Whether I win or lose, I promise you and the fans a show they'll never forget. And who knows, maybe after the match, we can share a bowl of ramen and laugh about the crazy twists and turns in that ring. Ganbatte, Ronnie-san!"

ROCKIN' RONNIE: "Ebessan, my man! Last time, we went to war and I walked out with this beautiful AAW National Championship. You're no slouch in that ring, I'll give credit where it's due. You brought the fight and you made me earn this title.

But let me make one thing crystal clear - this title means the world to me. It's not just a belt; it's a symbol of the sacrifices I've made. Ebessan, you're stepping into my world, and I don't plan on letting go of this title anytime soon.

I know you're hungry for redemption, but tonight, you're stepping into the ring with Rockin' Ronnie. I've been around the block a few times and I've got tricks up my sleeve you haven't even seen.

Bring your A-game because I'm not planning on letting go of this title. This isn't just a rematch; it's a statement. The AAW National Championship is staying with Rockin' Ronnie and that's not up for negotiation!"




Normal Match

Rockin' Ronnie (c) vs Ebessan


Method: Pinfall

Finish: Superkick

BLUE SERPENT: "Tonight's the night Blue Serpent takes on the mighty Abyss, and it's gonna be a real feeding frenzy, baby! Abyss, you may be a force of nature, but I'm the Serpent, and I thrive in these waters. Get ready to feel the bite of the Serpentnado, because when the bell rings, it's gonna be one shell of a showdown! And remember, fish are friends, but in that ring, I'm your worst fin-emesis! Let's do this, chum!"

ABYSS: "Tonight is the night when the so-called Blue Serpent is gonna learn a harsh lesson. I am 'The Monster' Abyss and when I step into that ring, it becomes my domain. Blue Serpent, you might think you're the big fish in this pond but I am the devourer of all challengers. Prepare yourself for a tidal wave of pain because when 'The Monster' is unleashed, there's no escape. You can bring all the bravado you want but in the end, you'll be swimming with the serpents of defeat. Tonight, there's no turning back. Be ready to face your nightmare!"


Normal Match

Blue Serpent vs Abyss


Method: Submission

Finish: Bear Hug

TITANIUM” TEDDY IDOL: "Tonight's a big night for me. Challenging The Manhandler for the AAW World Championship is no small feat and I've got nothing but respect for the man. But you see, respect doesn't mean I'm stepping into that ring with any fear. I've worked hard for this opportunity and I believe in my abilities.

The Manhandler is a formidable opponent, no doubt about it. But tonight, it's about proving that “Titanium” has what it takes to be a champion!

I've faced challenges and each time I've come out stronger. Tonight won't be any different. I've got the heart, the soul, and the experience to go toe-to-toe with the best. Manhandler, get ready, because tonight, you're going to face the titanium force that is Teddy Idol! And when that final bell rings, there's only going to be one man standing tall with the AAW World Championship. Believe that!"

THE MANHANDLER: "Tonight is not just another title defense; it's a battle for supremacy! The Manhandler doesn't back down from challenges; he thrives on them. Teddy Idol, I respect you. But tonight, you step into the ring with The Manhandler, the man who conquered all obstacles to claim this championship."

"I defeated Rey Mysterio to become the AAW World Champion and I didn't do it to be a placeholder. I did it to be the embodiment of ultimate power and strength in this industry. Teddy, I know you're a force to be reckoned with, and I welcome the challenge. But make no mistake, I am not giving up this championship without a fight."

"The AAW World Championship is a symbol of dominance and it's staying right here with me. Tonight, the ring becomes the battleground where titans clash and when the dust settles, there will be only one combatant standing tall with the gold. Get ready, Teddy, because the titanic battle is about to unfold, and I am walking out of that ring as the AAW World Champion once again. Can you handle The Manhandler?"




Normal Match

The Manhandler (c) vs “Titanium” Teddy Idol


Method: Pinfall

Finish: Spinning Argentine Backbreaker Throw


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