Friday, December 8, 2017

My NJPW World Tag League Day 14 Overview

NJPW World Tag League - Day 14
Oita, Japan
Oita Event Hall

World Tag League 2017 Block B Match
Tag Team Match
The Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)(8 points) vs Michael Elgin & Jeff Cobb (6 points)
  • I believe that the whole Michael Elgin controversy happened later on in the day after this event since Jeff Cobb's funny tweet on the subject happened at 4:44 PM EST and this event probably took place early in the morning in EST time. So things may not yet be awkward for Elgin and Cobb in this match. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if whatever beef was there was already squashed at this point.
  • G.o.D.'s theme is so simple and yet it never fails to get stuck in my head.
  • Here comes Team Fire and Ice. I really dig the theme.
  • It's so weird watching this dude wrestle now.
  • Comedic opening to this match as Tama Tonga tries to contend with the strength of Elgin and Cobb.
  • Tanga tags in and suffers the same fate.
  • I am 100% sold on Tama's falsetto shrieks.
  • The G.o.D.'s dirty tactics eventually pay off as they gain the advantage.
  • LOL @ Tama trying to deadlift German Cobb. Cobb eventually T-Bone Suplexes him. 
  • Elgin hits a well executed Superplex followed by an unexpected standing moonsault from Cobb.
  • Tonga goes for a Gun Stun but is caught by Cobb who throws him to Elgin who throws him back to Cobb.
  • Cobb hits a Tour of the Islands on Loa for the win.
Winners: Michael Elgin & Jeff Cobb 

Elgin and Cobb now have 8 points. They are tied for the lead of B Block with Best Friends and The G.o.D.. It's up to Best Friends to win tonight to set them apart from the pack in the B Block with 10 points.

World Tag League 2017 Block B Match
Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Beretta & Chuckie T)(8 points) vs CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)(6 points)

  • Beretta is just awesome. Chuckie's cool too.
  • You know who would have killed it as a tag team? Ishii and Perry Saturn. And no I'm not saying that because they both had sirens in their themes. They're both bald, awesome in the ring and tough as nails.
  • Everyone in this match is a part of the CHAOS stable sans Chuckie.
  • Best Friends hug and Toru Yano runs in to join the hug briefly.
  • Ishii then goes to hug the Best Friends but starts stomping away at them instead. 
  • Beretta keeps apologizing to Yano every time he hits any offense.
  • BFs are the defacto heels here working over Yano.
  • Ishii and Beretta go back and forth. Ishii eventually makes the hot tag to Yano who does what Yano does and takes off one of the corner turnbuckles. (Is that what you call them?)
  • BFs go for a double chokeslam but then block a low blow attempt from Yano. They go to run the rops but Yano grabs their hair and throws them to the mat.
  • BFs go for the crunchy finish but it's broken up. Chuckie misses a moonsault and Yano rolls him up for the pin.
Winners: CHAOS who now have 8 points.

We now have one heck of a log jam in the B Block as Best Friends, CHAOS, G.o.D. and the team of Elgin and Cobb are all tied in 1st with 8 points.

Backstage Interviews
  • David Finlay remarks at how people in Japan confuse him for Hangman Page. I can kind of see it. Especially when you're talking about more casual fans.
  • Hangman Page and Yujiro Takahashi talk about the absurdity that is Takashi Iizuka and his iron fingers. I feel you, guys. I feel you.
  • Killer Elite Squad basically say that everyone in this tournament is going to die...not sure what Archer is planning there.
  • Davey Boy Smith Jr. insists that this is the Killer Tag League and everything belongs to KES.
  • Minoru Suzuki pops his head into the interview and I perk right up in my chair.
  • Chase Owens laments Fale and his elimination in the tournament and is ready to board a flight "back home to Tonga" when Bad Luck Fale suggests ruining everybody else's time in the tournament. Owens says that he's ready to learn the Tongan Death Grip. They go to Too-Sweet each other but then decide to Two-Sweet this Japanese man wearing glasses (he's been here on a lot of these shows). Before Fale and Owens and this gentleman can connect fingers, Fale yells at this man to back off and calls him a nerd. (Shout out to Gallows and Anderson?)
  • Togi Makabe and Henare's team name is called Muscle Candy? I get it. Makabe loves sweets and they're both muscle bound. Great name.
  • The Best Friends argue over losing and Beretta is angry that they're no longer in the lead. Beretta is incredulous that Chuckie didn't expect a low blow. Chuckie admits to not watching Yano matches. Beretta walks off as Chuckie makes fun of his "stupid" headband and his "dumb face". Chuckie proclaims that they're not friends anymore.
  • The G.o.D. basically tell Cobb and Elgin that they let them win all because of their guerrilla tactics. You take some here and you give some there. I would normally say "yeah right" but these guys do a great job convincing me through their promos.
  • Elgin and Cobb once again appear on my screen as things get awkward for me. 
  • Elgin: "I don't know about you but as a team we're more confident. We're better and every night we get better.". 
  • You sure about that, dude?
  • Body language-wise, every EVIL promo looks the same but I'm not complaining. It's almost like a song to me. "No problem, no surprises.!"
  • "Hasta manana! Adios." - Naito

Closing Thoughts
Just two matches tonight. One comedic house show type match and a pretty good match between Best Friends and Ishii an Yano. I'm not to up on my round robin tournament intricacies but I'm under the assumption that there's a four-way tie for the lead in the B Block.


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