Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Prime Time Wrestling (April, week 3)

WWE Prime Time Wrestling
April, Week 3, Year 1
Minneapolis, MN

Tonight's main event on Prime Time Wrestling: the rubber match between Jake “The Snake” Roberts and “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes!

At WWE In Your House in two weeks, the WWE Champion, The Ultimate Warrior will take on “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels with the WWE Championship on the line. Also at In Your House, “The Eighth Wonder of the World” Andre The Giant will take on The British Bulldog for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Championship. Tonight, opponents will be tag team partners as Warrior and Michaels team up to face Andre The Giant and The Bulldog!

The Nature Boy” Ric Flair is interviewed and says that when you think about what a world champion looks like, you don't think of someone like Bret Hart. You think of 243 pounds of style and profile. If Bret Hart really thinks that he's going to get past “The Nature Boy” then Ric has one Figure Four Leg Lock in the chamber that is ready to send Bret back to Earth.

Match #1
Mr. Perfect (w/Ric Flair '91 & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs Bob Backlund
Winner by pinfall: Mr. Perfect (Perfect-Plex)(3* Very Good)

Big Daddy Cool' Diesel is interviewed and announces that he will be at In Your House in two weeks. Upon being asked who his opponent will be. Diesel is honest and says that he doesn't know. Maybe nobody wants to take on “Big Daddy Cool” because they don't want to get Jackknife Powerbombed but Diesel says that the challenge is there for anyone who is willing to try to take on Diesel at In Your House.

Match #2
Savio Vega vs The Honky Tonk Man
Winner by submission: Savio Vega (Cobra Clutch)

In two weeks at WWE In Your House, the World Tag Team Champions, The Natural Disasters will take on The Dream Team in a match for the World Tag Team Championship.

Match #3
Typhoon (w/Earthquake) vs Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake (w/Greg “The Hammer” Valentine)
Winner by pinfall: Typhoon (Big Splash)

At WWE In Your House in two weeks, “The Hitman” Bret Hart will take on “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. It will be expert technical acumen against style and profile. “The Excellence of Execution” against “The Dirtiest Player in the Game”. Bret says that it will also be The Sharpshooter against The Figure Four Leg Lock and once he's done wearing out “The Nature Boy” there will be only one move left to apply!

WCCW American Heavyweight Champion, Jerry “The King” Lawler presents another edition of “The King's Court” with his guest “The Macho Man” Randy Savage. Lawler promotes Savage's match against The Undertaker in two weeks at In Your House and asks Randy what is going on. Savage says that what's been going on feels like a lot of what you see in a horror movie. Everywhere he goes he's haunted by The Undertaker. Lights go out wherever he goes, he sees images in the mirror and he can't sleep because The Undertaker is that thing that goes bump in the night. Lawler tells Randy that it seems like The Undertaker has gotten inside of his head. Savage is inclined to agree but says that at In Your House he will exercise the demon Undertaker by dropping an elbow to “The Dead Man's” chest from the top rope. It isn't long before Undertaker appears before Savage and stares him down. Savage is not a man to back down so he launches an attack to send a message to The Undertaker that “The Macho Man” does not scare.

Match #4
Macho Man” Randy Savage vs The Undertaker '91
Winner: The Undertaker '91

Shawn Michaels is interviewed and talks about how The Ultimate Warrior and himself were both at the top of the WWE but during separate times. HBK and The Warrior have never clashed at the top. However, in two weeks at In Your House, the world will finally get to see that dream match and all of the arguments will be put to rest. Who was better? The Ultimate Warrior or Shawn Michaels? “The Heartbreak Kid” says that it's a no-brainer who it is and he's gonna show the world at In Your House.

Andre The Giant and The British Bulldog are having a stare down as Bobby “The Brain” Heenan tries to tell them to save this aggression for In Your House or better yet, take out those aggressions on The Warrior and Shawn Michaels.

Match #5
Tag Team
The Ultimate Warrior & Shawn Michaels '97 vs Andre The Giant & British Bulldog (w/Bobby Heenan)
Winners: Andre The Giant & British Bulldog

Match #6
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes
Pre: Jake awaits Dusty who charges down to the ring and leaps on Roberts with a Thesz press and rains down fists on “The Snake”.
Winner: “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes (Bionic Elbow)(3* Very Good)


Dusty Rhodes delivered payback against Jake Roberts with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!


Randy Savage has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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