Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Spring Stampede (April, week 2)

WCW Spring Stampede
April, Week 2, Year 1
Denver, CO

Ever since his return to the WCW brand on WWE 2K15, Bam Bam Bigelow has had his focus set on the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Will tonight finally be the night for the “Beast of the East”?

Match #1
DDP '98 vs Disco Inferno
Winner by pinfall: Disco Inferno! (Chart Buster)

What an upset for Disco Inferno! Was this a fluke? An rematch is bound to happen real soon!

Footage is shown of The British Bulldog winning the WCW Hardcore Championship in the Fatal 4-Way Falls Count Anywhere match on the season premiere of WCW Nitro two weeks ago. Since then, Bulldog has chalked it up to his awesome power. While Goldberg contends that the outcome will be different in a one on one encounter. Who will come out on top in this power vs power match up?

Match #2
WCW Hardcore Championship
Falls Count Anywhere
British Bulldog (c) vs Goldberg '98
Winner by pinfall and STILL WCW Hardcore Champion: British Bulldog (Running Powerslam)

Bulldog retains and has cemented his status as one of the most powerful Superstars in WCW history. He's not just some WWE guy that WCW was able to buy. He's not just some guy on the roster. He is The British Bulldog. The man that defeated Bret “The Hitman” Hart for the WWE Intercontinental Championship in Wembley Stadium. The man that just defeated Bill Goldberg to retain his WCW Hardcore Championship without having to use one foreign object. Bulldog is the most dangerous that he has ever been on this WCW roster!

Goldberg has already started this new season with two losses. It's not too late for him to turn it around but will he be able to? His tenure on my WWE 2K17 Universe Mode saw him involved in several upset defeats and didn't see him run roughshod like many thought he would.

Bret Hart talks about how Ricky Steamboat is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time and the WCW United States Championship is a physical manifestation of that legendary legacy. However, tonight “The Excellence of Execution” has arrived to take that WCW United States Championship because although Steamboat is one of the best, Bret is “The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.”

Match #3
WCW United States Championship
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '94 (c) vs Bret “The Hitman” Hart '98
Winner by submission and NEW WCW United States Champion: Bret “Hitman” Hart (Sharpshooter)(3 ½ * Great)
Post: Both men shake hands after the match as Steamboat raises Bret's arm in a sign of good sportsmanship.

Good technical match here between these two greats. Steamboat misses a top rope Diving Cross Body that may have cost him the match and the gold. Both men are looking to hold that WCW United States Championship and defend it as many times as possible to the point where the U.S. Title is deemed as the most prestigious championship in the company.

Footage is shown of Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake's major upset victory over The Big Show. After this shocking development, Big Show has asked for a rematch right here tonight at Spring Stampede. As an added bonus, since both Superstar's ranks are at a certain level, the vacant WCW World Television Championship will be on the line!

Match #4
WCW World Television Championship
Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake vs Big Show
Pre: Both men shake hands before the match in a sign of mutual respect. Big Show seems to be taking his big upset loss rather well.
Winner by pinfall and NEW WCW World Television Champion: Big Show (KO Punch)(2 ½ * Good)

The WCW World Television Championship has returned to World Championship Wrestling and who better to hold it than “The World's Largest Athlete”? Much like the WWE Intercontinental Championship and WWE United States Championship are seen as titles with equal prestige, the WCW World Television Championship and the WCW United States Championship are seen on a similar even keel.

Middle Card Promo
WCW World Heavyweight Champion, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair comes out and addresses his Triple Threat Match tonight against Bam Bam Bigelow and Lord Steven Regal. He says that he's had the deck stacked against him many times before and “The Nature Boy” always comes out on top. He says that Bam Bam and Regal aren't on his level and that is why they've never held this WCW World Heavyweight Championship that is around his waist. Flair then focuses his attention on the man that's been seen watching his matches from the rafters and that is Sting. Flair can no longer ignore the pictures on social media of Sting watching Flair's matches from high above and says that Sting doesn't need to send any cryptic messages because Flair is calling him out right now. Sting comes out and engages in a promo battle that Flair gets the best of. It would seem like Flair has his head in the right place tonight and is focused on keeping the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

A WCW interviewer wants a word with The Outsiders before their match. Ted DiBiase comes out and informs the interviewer that Hall and Nash don't have time to waste with this interview. DiBiase says that The Fabulous Freebirds literally strut around like they own the place but they're about to find out that the only guys worthy of strutting out to that ring are The Outsiders and Hayes and Garvin are about to find that out once they lose those WCW World Tag Team Championships.

Match #5
WCW World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team
The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael “P.S.” Hayes & Jimmy “Jam” Garvin)(c) vs The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)(w/Ted DiBiase)
Winner and STILL WCW World Tag Team Champion: The Outsiders

The Freebirds have started out this season of WCW Nitro hot with a huge win over one of the most unstoppable tag teams in WCW history, The Outsiders who once ran WCW with an iron fist. The Freebirds are here to show a new generation of fans why they are one of the greatest stables of all time and with a win over Kevin Nash and Scott Hall on a platform PPV like WCW Spring Stampede, they look to be doing just that!

Match #6
WCW World Heavyweight Championship '88
Triple Threat
Ric Flair '91 (c) vs Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lord Steven Regal
Winner by pinfall and NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Lord Steven Regal! (Regalplex on Bigelow)

Although Ric Flair wasn't pinned, Lord Steven Regal is the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion of Monday Nitro. Regal did defeat Flair in a non-title bout on the season premiere of Nitro and he pinned the #1 contender here tonight. So Regal has defeated everyone in contention and walks away with his very first WCW World Heavyweight Championship in what is a shocking and exciting development!

Lord Steven Regal has won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship of Monday Nitro!


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