Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My WWE 205 Live Overview (December 12, 2017)

WWE 205 Live
Episode #55
December 12, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
US Bank Arena
On: WWE Network
Commentators: Vic Joseph & Nigel McGuinness

Match #1
Normal Match
Cedric Alexander vs Ariya Daivari
  • They took out all of the Rich Swann footage from the intro. I hope his stuff gets figured out soon because he will be missed.
  • Drew Gulak is in the ring with Daivari and talks about how he will defeat Cedric Alexander on RAW this coming Monday and then challenge his mentor, Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.
  • Gulak calls Cedric a grinch that stole Daivari's second chance opportunity to compete for the Cruiserweight Championship and says the only thing worse than Daivari's temper is...(there was a silent-filled pause where a fan yelled "HIS SHIRT!")...is...his un-something-ed temper! (I couldn't make out what Drew said.)
  • Daivari's mic skills are fine but the company seems to have attached Gulak to the 'Zo Train heels as a heater.
  • The crowd is dead silent. Bless Gulak for trying but he tells the silent crowd to stop chanting as a way to fire them up.
  • Drew also reveals that Noam Dar has suffered a knee injury and will be undergoing surgery. So as a gesture to him, Gulak has prepared a 93-point plan for a successful knee rehabilitation in the form of hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis...POWERPOINT PRESENTATION!
  • It's interrupted by Cedric's entrance.
  • The match is underway as Gulak wields a megaphone which should make everyone in the US Bank arena joyous.
  • Daivari distracts the ref which allows Gulak to lay out Cedric with a clothesline. Gulak and Daivari execute a special 'Zo Train handshake.
  • Daivari disobeys the Gulak doctrine and heads to the top rope and nails a frog splash for the near-fall.
  • Cedric hits the Neuralizer and the Lumbar Check for the pinfall.
Winner by pinfall: Cedric Alexander (Lumbar Check)

Backstage Segment
w/WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore, Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese
Gulak is giving Daivari post-match tips when Enzo steps in and berates the 'Zo Train. He berates Daivari for losing and berates Drew for even thinking that he can become the Cruiserweight Champion. Nese defends Gulak which prompts Enzo to berate him as well. Enzo regains composure before saying that tonight he will lead by example in the form of a match...against Tony Nese.

Match #2
Normal Match
Kalisto (w/Gran Metalik) vs Gentleman Jack Gallagher (w/The Brian Kendrick)
  • Kendrick cuts a pre-match promo and talks about how it's been a year since the WWE Cruiserweight Championship was taken from him. He hasn't been given a rematch in all of that time since then but Kalisto on the other hand has been gifted opportunity after opportunity which he squandered. 
  • Gallagher takes the mic and gives Kalisto a warning to stay in th eback or esle th elucha dragon will be caught in the spider's web.
  • This was fine match. The finish saw Gallagher and Kalisto brawling with each other on their knees, Gallagher lays out Kalisto with a headbutt but Kalisto comes back with a hurricanrana pin on Gallagher for the win.
  • Kendrick lays out Kalisto from behind. Kendrick and Gallagher stalk Kalisto and go in for an attack when Gran Metalik runs out to make the save and chase off the heels.
Winner by pinfall: Kalisto

Backstage Segment
Drew Gulak approaches Enzo and tries to get him to call of the fight with Nese. Enzo tells him not to worry because this match isn't going to be a fight. He's the Cruiserweight Champion and he's like Dean Malenko and he's going to show Nese some holds. It's going to be a technical spectacle that everyone (especially Drew...aaaand probably Cedric Alexander) can learn from.

Footage is shown of Hideo Itami wrecking shop. He debuts next week. Ugh, what's the point? If they've bogged down Nakamura then what's the point with Hideo Itami? However, I am rooting for him and I hope I'm wrong!

Match #3
Normal Match
Enzo Amore vs Tony Nese
  • Nese foregoes his cocky ab-count on the stage and doesn't seem rather enthused to be in this match. Hmm.
  • Why does Nese look scared here. Look at Enzo and then look at Nese!
  • Gulak and Daivari accompany Enzo to the ring and watch the proceedings at ringside. They don't seem to be too enthused either.
  • The match starts and Enzo wants Nese to take him down and even offers Nese a free single-leg. Nese doesn't want to take part in this. Enzo responds with a slap across the face which fires up "The Premiere Athlete" who backs Enzo up into the corner.
  • Nese is then attacked from behind by Daivari who puts the boots to Nese alongside Enzo. 
  • Daivari holds up Nese and Enzo is about to hit the JawdonZo when Enzo calls in Gulak into the ring. Enzo questions Gulak's loyalty since Drew seems very conflicted here. It looks like Gulak is about to strike Enzo but he ends up striking Nese instead. 
  • Classic pro wrestling misdirection. Imagine if in Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader keeps turning his head back and forth looking at the Emperor electrocute his son, Luke, and then finally when Vader strikes, he picks up Luke and throws HIM down the Death Star shaft. It's simple but pro wrestling always insists on twists and misdirects. This is why Return of the Jedi is a timeless classic and this episode of 205 Live will probably be forgotten in time.
  • Nese is laid out and Enzo ends the proceedings by delivering the JawdonZo on Nese.
  • The crowd is chanting and letting everyone involved know how boring this all was for them.
Winner by disqualification: Tony Nese

Overall Thoughts

I don't know why this show was tough for me to get through. The matches were good and fine but they were just there. Gulak has been the sole thing that has entertained me on this show for the past little while. A little more character depth would be nice and...oh...I dunno...a little more fast-paced and high flying wrestling. They show you a cool intro video (most of which have been action shots from the CWC) and yet instead they give you a WWE heavyweight style match...with cruiserweights. Let's just complete this thought and put on a show called 305 Live where it's all heavyweight that do faster paced, high flying wrestling! That will make about just as much sense as this.


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