Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My WWE SmackDown Live Overview (December 12, 2017)

WWE SmackDown Live
Episode #956
Cincinnati, OH
US Bank Arena
On: USA Network
Commentary: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton & Corey Graves

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are handing out anti-Shane McMahon flyers backstage. They're wearing the old, red Daniel Bryan YES T-shirts only the YES has been changed to YEP. I always like it when they bring back something from the past and make it relevant to today. Kind of like the Cody Rhodes storyline where he brought back the classic Intercontinental Championship.

Opening Segment
w/WWE Champion, AJ Styles
  • AJ Styles comes out and talks about his match with Jinder Mahal at Clash of Champions. 
  • He is interrupted by some new music which turns out to be The Singh Brothers.
  • They play back footage of Jinder hitting the Khallas on The Singh Brothers as punishment.
  • AJ invites The Singh Brothers to hug it out with him in the ring. They actually do.
  • They want to be in AJ's corner at Clash of Champions but AJ points out that they were still cornering Jinder at the WWE India shows after that particular SmackDown. The Singhs insist that they want to back Styles. This brings out Jinder himself.
  • In order to ensure that things will be one on one at Clash of Champions, Styles headbutts Sunil and decks Samir before laying down the WWE Championship and calling Jinder into the ring who of course decides against it.
Match #1
Normal Match
Charlotte vs Ruby Riot (w/Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan)

  • Natalya is on Commentary and is complimentary toward both the Riott Squad and the women's locker room. 
  • Natalya starts to taunt Charlotte behind her back. Charlotte turns around and decks Natalya who in turn comes back to attack Charlotte for the DQ.
Winner by disqualification: Charlotte

After the match, the Riott Squad begin to attack Charlotte and ram her into the steel steps. Before the assault can continue, Naomi runs out to make the save and chases the Riott Squad away. However, the Riott Squad are attacked from behind on the stage by Tamina, Lana and Carmella and send Ruby, Liv and Sarah in retreat. Isn't this the same exact angle we got on RAW with Absolution and the RAW women? Either there's a reason for this or it's a simple copy and paste job.

Match #2
Normal Match
Baron Corbin vs Dolph Ziggler
  • Bobby Roode is on commentary.
  • Dolph is using his entrance theme and lights again. So much for that whole anti-showing off crusade. I guess he's the show off again. No fuss, no muss.
  • It isn't long before Roode runs in and lays out both Ziggler and Corbin with the Glorious DDT. If Clash of Champions was in two weeks, I bet that next week's SmackDown Live would have had Roode vs Ziggler with Corbin on commentary where he would eventually lay out both guys. Simple booking, I suppose. Effective? I'm not so sure.
Result: No Contest

The Fashion Files
Byron Saxton reveals that the new home for the Fashion Files is on WWE.com. Essentially letting everyone know how little of a priority these segments are. Breezango seem to be holding a funeral. For what? I'm not sure. The show's run on TV? Their case itself? The Ascension convince them not to give up the case and Fandango reluctantly agrees and decides to challenge The Bludgeon Brothers as Tyler Breeze looks equally as apprehensive.

Match #3
Tag Team Match
The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper & Rowan) vs Colin Delaney & Joe Monroe
  • Monroe was channeling his inner James Ellsworth before the match began with a comical face that was in utter fear and awe. 
  • Speaking of Team Enhancement, it's Colin Delaney! Remember him from the WWE ECW days? He had a similar run to Ellsworth's where he came in, they kept in because they liked what they saw (The size disparity between him and Mark Henry was something else) and then they turned Colin heel and that was pretty much the end of it. Good to see him again here.
  • Nothing of note here. Just a squash. The BBs lifted Monroe up for the Killer Bomb as Monroe emitted a high-pitched shriek. I thought that a little girl fell off her bike outside.
Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers (Double Crucifix Powerbomb)

In-Ring Segment
w/Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn
  • Owens and Zayn are really going all the way with the YEP stuff. Young Boba Fett no longer carries that mantle on his own.
  • They outline the tyranny of Shane McMahon and says that he is even more brutal than Mr. McMahon himself. 
  • They say that it's good to see everyone finally get behind them as the crowd chants YEP.
  • They're here to occupy SmackDown Live and ask all of the would-be protesters to come out.
  • No one comes out...except for Daniel Bryan.
  • They try to get him on board the "YEP Movement" but Bryan isn't having any of it because Bryan's YES Movement was for the WWE Universe while Owens and Zayn's "YEP Movement" are for themselves. 
  • In the interest of fairness, Bryan makes himself the second special guest referee for Owens and Zayn's match against Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura at Clash of Champions. It will be their opportunity to truly prove that they do belong but if they lose then Shane's stipulation still stands and Owens and Zayn will be fired from the WWE.
Match #4
Tag Team Match
The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs Rusev & Aiden English
  • The New Day have pancakes and they are on commentary.
  • Rusev and English are just tremendous. English continues his 12 Days of Rusev song and ends it by throwing shade on The New Day.
  • The Usos come out and take shots at Rusev, English, Rusev Day and pretty much everything about English. I'm not sure if it was just this segment, but The Usos seem to have lost a little bit of edge after their babyface turns. Here's hoping I'm wrong though.
  • Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable come out to cut a promo of their own. Hopefully, they give these guys more mic time to improve because this was a little bit cringe-worthy. I feel like there's something there between the two though.
  • They cut to break and come back as Rusev has got a bearhug on Jey Uso and has it applied for quite a while. Basically telling the viewer to feel free to check out whatever else is on and come back for the near-falls.
  • Jimmy comes in after a hot tag and comes in like a house of fire (is that the right phrase?). He brings back the Uso chants where he goes "OOO" and the crowd goes "SO" which I think might be the first time that they've done that since they went back to being babyfaces.
  • Jimmy is on the apron where he gets hit with a kick from Rusev which allows English to hit the Snap Front Facelock Drop for the pinfall.
  • Rusev and English just pinned the tag team champs.
Winners: Rusev & Aiden English

Renee Young w/AJ Styles
Styles reiterates that at Clash of Champions he doesn't need anyone's help to beat the odds and retain the WWE Championship. The interview is cut off by Jinder Mahal who blindsides AJ and beats him down before telling AJ that he won't be defying any odds this Sunday.

They announce that Mojo Rawley will face Zack Ryder at Clash of Champions. I think it's on the Kickoff Show.

Match #5
Normal Match
Shinsuke Nakamure (w/Randy Orton) vs Kevin Owens (w/Sami Zayn)
  • Renee interviews Shinsuke and Randy before the match. Randy says that he doesn't like Owens and Zayn and at Clash of Champions Shinsuke and himself are going to make sure that they lose their jobs. They miss a golden opportunity for Shinsuke simply to have said "yep" after Randy's comment.
  • Renee asks Shinsuke if he agrees with Randy's sentiments...and look at that! Shinsuke says "yep"! I should have held off on my note taking!
  • They go to break and come back plugging 205 Live tonight with Cedric Alexander versus Ariya Daivari. Come on, give the people a little more pomp and circumstance than that! You're trying to do a standalone 205 Live Tour FFS!
  • Daniel Bryan is on commentary for this match.
  • Byron asks Bryan how he can make himself the second special guest ref and Bryan says "We do a lot of things where we don't know how they work in the WWE and we always make them work". Classic D-Bry subtle shade tossing.
  • There's a sign in the crowd that says WWF Rocks". That guy is either blissfully ignorant or stubborn.
  • While maintaining his neutrality, Bryan does a great job of breaking down how much he relates to guys like Owens and Zayn. Guys who come from the indies that have to put up with a lot of less-than-great situations.
  • Bryan brings up how he used to room with Shinsuke Nakamura in order to convey his neutrality at Clash of Champions.
  • As usual, they come back from a commercial break where Owens has Nakamura in another headlock. 
  • Shane is supposed to be the babyface and Owens and Zayn are supposed to be the heels in this feud, right? Because Byron Saxton does that scenario no favors as he continues to grill Bryan. Byron asks if Daniel remembers that Randy Orton was one of the people he was battling against when he was fighting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan tells a story of Owens trying to gouge Bryan's eye out by punching Bryan repeatedly in the face years ago in front of 300 people. Byron says none of that matters since it wasn't in WWE. Bryan says that he had a detached retina from Owens trying to blind him and all Byron can say is "That wasn't in WWE!". Really? A world title is more important than losing one of your fucking eyes? Byron is fucking laughable here. It was probably Vince himself in his ear. 
  • Fuck your title, I like my having my eye.
  • Byron adds that none of what happened to Bryan outside of the WWE matters or counts which fires up Daniel. 
  • Byron basically paints a picture of the indy scene being this horrible place for wrestlers to endure. Please talk to the Young Bucks or Hot Topic. Life is not over after the WWE. 
  • Byron tows the company line and basically says that if you don't agree with the boss then you're the problem. Only a Sith deals in absolutes...
  • Owens inadvertently lays out the ref which prompts Bryan to don the referee shirt and count a near fall as Owens kicks out.
  • Sami gets in the ring to get to the bottom of this and is laid out by Orton.
  • An okay match. Seek out Owens vs Nakamura from ROH Final Battle a few years ago for a better version. Byron may not be down with it but you might be.
  • Sami shoves Orton into the post on the outside, gets back up on the apron and is attacked by Nakamura who is then dropped with a Pop-up Powerbomb by Owens for the pinfall.
  • I don't know, man. Maybe it's an indictment on the company for not having slotted Owens in more of a headliner position but this loss to Nakamura just feels so wrong. Here's a guy that was on the same level as a Kazuchika Okada in NJPW (Likely THE best wrestler in the world today) and now Nakamura these days feels nowhere near where he was in stature in NJPW.
  • Owens and Zayn are asked by Renee on the ramp if they have any final words. Owens says that no matter what happens at Clash of Champions, no one can take this victory away from them. They are the absolute best. not only on SmackDown Live but in the entire WWE. (If you're really rebelling against the Shane McMahon then do you have to refer to it as "SmackDown Live" each and every time?). Owens gives Sami a giant kiss on the cheek as an exclamation point.
Winner by pinfall: Kevin Owens (Pup-Up Powerbomb)

Overall Thoughts

This show was a typical one. I get what they're doing. They're trying to build an air of uncertainty around Daniel Bryan with this finish. The only uncertain thing is where they're ultimately going with Daniel Bryan. I'm guilty as charged for just wanting to see this guy wrestle again. I feel like he's reasonable enough to not put himself in danger and if he's already been cleared by seemingly every doctor everywhere (sans WWE) then I'm absolutely more than down with seeing him return to the ring. He would definitely be a boon to the indies and The Bullet Club's big 10,000 seat show that they're setting up. I think the WWE knows this and could offer Bryan a carrot at the end of a rope to keep him around.I have faith that he ultimately knows what's best.


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