Thursday, August 23, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (September.Week 3)

September, Week 3, Year 1
East Lansing, MI

Show Opener Promo
The Corporation's Big Show '00 comes out to the ring and says that he has put the WWE Intercontinental Champion The Undertaker '99 on notice and in two weeks he is going to take down the leader of The Ministry of Darkness and take his prize. The crowd starts to chant “Goldberg” to throw off The Big Show who tells them all to shut up because if Goldberg was here The Corporation would make an example out of him. They crushed WCW before so they have the power to take down one of their biggest stars. Goldberg comes out as the crowd erupts. A promo battle ensues that Goldberg appears to win before Show lays him out with a low blow kick. Tonight's main event match is ultimately signed by The Corporation, Big Show vs Goldberg!

Match #1
World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (The Rock '01 & Mankind)(c) vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels '98 & Triple H '98)
Winners by submission and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (Mr. Socko from Mankind on Michaels)

Last week on RAW IS WAR, Albert lost a close match to Booker T, appearing frustrated over their defeat. How will he respond in the following weeks? Both Superstars currently hold two victories over each other. Who will break the tie in this rivalry tonight?!

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Booker T vs Albert
Pre-Match: Albert limps out on the stage and looks in no condition to compete. He looks toward the back as it appears as if he's got a replacement for Booker T to face.
Normal Match
Booker T vs Crash Holly
Winner by pinfall: Booker T (Spinebuster)(* ½ Lackluster)

Match #3
ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Qualifying Round
Extreme Rules Match
Tazz vs Rob Van Dam '06
Winner by pinfall: Tazz (Tazzplex)

Middle Card Promo
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 comes out and takes a moment of silence to acknowledge all of the cans of whoop-ass that he has unleashed over the past several months to Triple H '98 and adds that he hopes that Triple H is able to recover someday. Austin moves on to the next order of business and that is the matter of certain SOBs walking into his house like they own the place. “The Rattlesnake” calls out WCW's Sting '99.

Last week on RAW IS WAR, the WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus was attacked from behind after her match. Jacqueline had to resort to using a distraction with her entrance music, afraid of facing her rival head-on. Since losing the WWE Women's Championship to Stratus, Jacqueline has yet to pick up a victory over her rival which may provide an explanation as to why she has been resorting to cheap shots.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Trish Stratus vs Jacqueline
Pre-Match: Jacqueline awaits Trish in the ring who rushes into the ring and leaps onto Jacqueline with a furious series of attacks.
Winner by pinfall: Trish Stratus (Chick Kick)(** Average)

Show Closer Promo
After being bested in a promo battle by the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels '98 last week on SmackDown '00, the #1 contender for the WWE Championship Eddie Guerrero comes out to the ring and gives HBK credit for being one charismatic son of a gun, but that WWE Championship isn't won on the mic. That WWE Championship is won in this ring and “Latino Heat” plans on being the one to take D-Generation X most prized possession!

Mr. McMahon and The Big Boss Man go to accompany The Big Show who asks them to remain backstage because he doesn't want to give Goldberg the chance to come up with any excuses once Show beats him tonight.

Match #5
Main Event
Normal Match
Big Show '00 vs Goldberg '04
Winner by pinfall: Big Show '00 (Chokeslam)(Squash!)

Trish Stratus delivered payback against Jacqueline with an attack of her own, angered by her rival's actions from last week!

Albert's injury has worsened, but continues to compete at a severe disadvantage and risk further damage.


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