Thursday, August 30, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE NXT (September.Week 4)

September, Week 4, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Last week on WWE NXT, Shinsuke Nakamura's and Samoa Joe's match broke down into a brawl before it even started. A similar incident occurred two weeks ago when Samoa Joe viciously attacked the NXT Champion before the match began. Determined for payback, “The King of Strong Style” has challenged Joe to another match tonight, hungry for “Knee to Face”.

Match #1
Normal Match
Steve Cutler vs Lince Dorado
Winner by pinfall: Steve Cutler (Spinebuster)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Cutler decides against leaving to stomp away at Dorado, looking to make a statement.

Three weeks ago on NXT, “The Velveteen Dream” Patrick Clark defeated Elias much like last week on NXT when Clark picked up another victory over “The Drifter” with a Diving Elbow Drop.

Elias met with NXT General Manager William Regal and requested another match with Patrick Clark but was snubbed and declined by “The Velveteen Dream”. Elias insisted but Regal stated that his hands were tied after Elias' two straight losses to Clark.

A frustrated Elias promised that he would get his hands on Patrick Clark and if he won't be able to get his hands on him tonight then maybe he can step inside the ring against the man who's keeping Patrick Clark away from him. Regal calls Elias “sunshine” and tells Elias that he may be the GM of NXT but he is still William Regal and a match against Regal will make a match with Patrick Clark look like a cakewalk in comparison.

The Iconic Duo are both coming off of NXT Women's Championship losses to the NXT Women's Champion "The Empress of Tomorrow" Asuka. Peyton & Billie look to get back on track tonight.

Match #2
Normal Match
Peyton Royce (w/Billie Kay) vs Liv Morgan
Winner by pinfall: Liv Morgan (DDT)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: A dejected Peyton offers Morgan a handshake that she accepts.

Match #3
Normal Match
Cedric Alexander vs Andrade “Cien” Almas
Winner by pinfall: Andrade “Cien” Almas (Hammerlock DDT)

Middle Card Promo
“The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” Austin Aries comes out and replays footage of his rubber match victory over Hideo Itami last week. Aries says that he's ready for bigger and better things going forward.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Elias vs William Regal
Pre-Match: Elias awaits Regal who is dragged out to the ramp by Patrick Clark and thrown on the ground. Clark charges at Elias as the two start brawling in the ring, both even shoving the official who struggles to restrain the two. Elias ultimately gets the better of the brawl.
Result: No Contest (Disaster)

Last week on NXT, Bobby Roode came out to the ring and said that No Way Jose's victory over him two weeks ago was simply a fluke and all that he has to do is face Jose in another match to prove that he is truly “glorious”.

Show Closer Promo
No Way Jose comes out to the ring to address Bobby Roode's comments from last week and calls out the not-so “Glorious” one out to the ring to challenge him to another match to prove to Roode that No Way Jose's victory was not a fluke. Bobby Roode, as egotistical as ever, comes out to the ring and agrees to grace No Way Jose with one more match.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe
Winner by pinfall: Samoa Joe (Chimera-Plex)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: After taking in his third-straight non-title victory over the NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura, Joe decides to stomp away at “The King of Strong Style”.

Joe's extracurricular attacks on Nakamura seem to be paying off. Are Nakamura's days as NXT Champion numbered?


Samoa Joe continued to attack Shinsuke Nakamura after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him!

Patrick Clark attacked Elias before their match, determined to hurt his opponent!


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